9 Of The Best Homemade Lip Balm Recipes

Best Homemade Lip Balm: Do you know how to make lip balm at home? We’re of the opinion that preparing skincare at home is better than purchasing store-made products—you’re in charge, and you know what’s going into the product. And there’s so much room to mix it up, and put together something that you truly like. Move over, lip-stains, it’s time for lip-balms to shine. Here’s how to make lip-balm.
1. Smooth, tinted lip balm with natural extracts
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need four ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
2 teaspoons of white beeswax pellets
4-5 drops of peppermint oil
Here’s how to prepare it:
Melt the beeswax pellets in a boiler on a stove.
Once it has melted, add some cocoa powder to the mix, and stir well.
Add a few drops of peppermint oil and almond oil to the liquid, and stir well.
Remove the heat, and let the mixture cool before transferring it to a jar.
Once it has cooled, pop it in the refrigerator for it to harden.
2. Orange Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need four ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 tablespoon of shea butter
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
2-3 drops of orange essential oil
1 tablespoon of beeswax
Here’s how to prepare it:
Best Homemade Lip Balm, In a double-boiler, fill a small pan with a little bit of water, and place it on the stove on low-to-medium heat.
Place some shea butter and beeswax on the cup, and let it melt.
Add some coconut oil to the mix, and stir well. Take the liquid off the heat once everything has melted, and throw in some orange essential oil.
Stir it all together, and transfer the mixture into a jar or container.
Let it cool for half an hour, and that’s it.
3. Strawberry Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need four ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 tablespoon of shea butter
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
2-3 drops of orange essential oil
1 tablespoon of beeswax
Here’s how to prepare it:
In a double-boiler, fill a small pan with a little bit of water, and place it on the stove on low-to-medium heat.
Place some shea butter and beeswax on the cup, and let it melt.
Add some coconut oil to the mix, and stir well.
Take the liquid off the heat once everything has melted, and throw in some orange essential oil.
Stir it all together, and transfer the mixture into a jar or container.
Let it cool for half an hour, and that’s it.
4. Beeswax Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need four ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 tablespoon of (grated) beeswax
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 teaspoon of (raw) honey
2 capsules of Vitamin E
Here’s how to prepare it:
Best Homemade Lip Balm, Transfer a little bit of beeswax to a saucepan, and melt it over low-to-medium heat.
Once it has melted, add a couple of drops of the ultra-moisturising coconut oil and honey to the mix. Go on to throw in two capsules of Vitamin E (oil) Transfer the mixture to a container, and keep it aside for about half an hour for it to cool, set, and harden.
5. Cocoa Butter Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need four ingredients to prepare this lip-balm
10 grams of beeswax
20 grams of cocoa butter
20 grams of coconut oil
5 drops of an essential oil of your choice
Here’s how to prepare it:
Melt a little bit of beeswax in a double-boiler.
Once most of it has melted, add a little bit of cocoa butter to the pan, and stir the two together.
Once the two have melted, add a few drops of coconut oil to the pan—make sure there are no lumps.
Take the liquid off the heat, and mix a few drops of an essential oil (lavender or otherwise) into the mixture.
Transfer it all into a container, and let it cool for about half an hour.
6. Vaseline Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need three ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 ½ tablespoon of Vaseline (or any petroleum jelly)
½ tablespoon of beetroot juice
½ tablespoon of honey
Here’s how to prepare it:
Mix a little bit of Vaseline and honey together in a container.
Add beetroot juice to the mix. Don’t stir the ingredients together.
Put the container in the microwave for about thirty seconds.
After removing it from the microwave, stir it together, transfer it into a tin, and let it set for thirty minutes.
7. Shea Butter Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need five ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 tablespoon of shea butter
1 tablespoon of beeswax
1 tablespoon of raw, organic coconut oil
1 teaspoon of honey
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Here’s how to prepare it:
Add shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil to a pan, and create a double-boiler to melt the ingredients.
Once they’ve melted, add some honey and essential oil to the mix.
Next—turn off the heat, let the liquid cool, and transfer the contents to a pan.
Let the lip-balm harden for half an hour.
8. Lemon Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need five ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
4-5 drops of lime essential oil
1 teaspoon of almond oil
1 teaspoon of beeswax
1 teaspoon of cocoa butter
Here’s how to prepare it:
Add coconut oil, beeswax, almond oil, and cocoa butter to a pot, and create a double-boiler to heat the ingredients.
Stir the ingredients together, and turn off the heat.
Add a few drops of the essential oil to the mix, and stir.
Transfer the lip-balm to a jar or tin, and let it cool for half an hour.
9. Kokum Butter Lip-Balm
Best Homemade Lip Balm, You need four ingredients to prepare this lip-balm:
2 tablespoons of kokum butter
2 tablespoons of shea butter
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 teaspoon of carnauba wax
Here’s how to prepare it:
In a double-boiler, fill a small pan with a little bit of water, and place it on the stove on low-to-medium heat.
Place some kokum butter and wax on the cup, and let it melt.
Add some shea butter to the mix 2 or 3 minutes into the melting.
Take the liquid off the heat once everything has melted, and throw in some olive oil.
Stir it all together, and transfer the mixture into a jar or container.
Let it cool for half an hour before using it.
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