Hair Care Routine: The 10 Best Tips For Hair Care Routine

Hair Care Routine: Healthy, supple, shiny hair – whether short and spiky, framing your face, or Rapunzel-length locks – is the goal for everyone, every day. But healthy hair doesn’t happen by magic. Here are 10 tips for getting – and keeping – healthy hair, even if your hair is damaged at the start.
Step 1: Wash your hair less often
Hair Care Routine, Shampooing your hair removes dirt and oils, but over-shampooing can strip natural oils from your hair and scalp. Plus, shampoo that isn’t rinsed out fully can build-up on your hair, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.
Washing your hair a few times per week can help maintain oil balance for most hair types.
Step 2: Apply conditioner properly
Hair Care Routine, Conditioner is best applied to the middle and ends of your hair, then worked backward toward your scalp. Your hair needs the hydration further from the scalp, but your scalp can get dry, too. Pay extra attention to hydrating your scalp if it’s itchy or you notice flakes.
And make sure you choose the right conditioner for your hair type: thick curls need a different kind of hydrating than straight or thin hair.
Step 3: Use a hair mask weekly or as needed
Hair Care Routine, Hair masks are deep moisturizing treatments that penetrate into the hair shaft to hydrate and strengthen from within. To help keep your hair supple, shiny, and strong, make a hair mask part of your healthy hair care routine at least weekly. To learn more about hair masks and how Batiste™ Leave-In Masks are different, check out our guide.
Step 4: Protect hair when heat styling
Hair Care Routine, Try to reduce how often you get a blow out or use a hot iron on your hair and apply a moisturizing protectant before using heat.
Step 5: Minimize hair processing such as dyes, perms, relaxers
Hair Care Routine, It’s fun to change up your hair color and style, and once you start bleaching, dying or processing, you have to maintain the look. Let your hair rest between processing treatments and give it extra love to allow it to rehydrate and recuperate after you’ve given it a chemical workout. Is your bleached hair damaged and in need of some love? Treat it to a hair mask to repair and strengthen.
Step 6: Protect hair when going in the sun or swimming
Hair Care Routine, When indulging in some fun in the sun, help keep hair healthier by applying conditioner or a leave-in mask before swimming in any type of water (but especially chlorinated pools). If you’re a regular swimmer, wear a swim cap when you can to minimize your hair’s exposure to chlorine, and it’s always a good idea to wear a hat when out in the sun to help protect your hair and skin.
Step 7: Detangle hair before shower and shampoo
Hair Care Routine, Brush or finger comb your hair to remove tangles before you wash it. Taking the few moments to detangle before jumping in the shower after a workout or in the morning will save you time and help prevent breakage.
Step 8: Brush your hair when dry vs. wet
Hair Care Routine, When your hair is wet, it becomes more vulnerable to breakage. If you want to prevent flyaways, split ends and damage, avoid brushing wet hair. The best time to brush your hair is when it is almost or completely dry. This may vary by hair texture, as those with curly hair can potentially create more damage with dry brushing. If you really can’t resist brushing your hair when wet, use a wide tooth comb instead of a hairbrush. Tooth combs can be gentler to the scalp and hair follicles, if you comb slowly.
Step 9: Squeeze wet hair with a towel, don’t rub
Hair Care Routine, Wrap the towel around your head or long strands and blot to absorb water. Rubbing your hair with a towel introduces tangles and creates breakage.
Step 10: Protect and moisturize your scalp
Hair Care Routine, Your scalp can get quite dry, especially if the air is dry, you over-shampoo, or it’s exposed to the sun. Wear hats and scalp sunscreen when going out in the sun, run a humidifier in your home if your indoor air is dry, shampoo less often and use a moisturizing shampoo. Use a deep scalp treatment as needed to hydrate your scalp if it’s gotten dry and flaky.
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