New Research: Becoming A Father Can Worsen Men’s Heart Health

Becoming A Father: According to Newsweek, the researchers emphasized the age factor and said: Men who became fathers at a young age, i.e. 25 years old and below, had worse heart diseases and a higher death rate.
Northwestern University and Ann and Robert H. Lowry Children’s Hospital in Chicago have conducted a study that shows that the heart health of men who become fathers is more at risk compared to men who do not have children.
Becoming A Father, Two thousand and 814 men between the ages of 45 and 84 participated in this study, and the researchers examined factors such as diet, physical activity, smoking, weight, blood pressure, and blood factors in these people. The results showed that although the death rate in fathers was lower than in men who had not experienced fatherhood, the heart health status of the fathers group was worse than the other group.
According to researchers, increasing pressures and responsibilities after the birth of a child probably makes fathers unable to follow a healthy lifestyle.
Becoming A Father Can Worsen Men’s Heart Health
“The changes seen in heart health suggest that the added responsibility of caring for children and the stress of entering parenthood make it difficult to adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as following a healthy diet,” said lead author Dr. John James Parker. And it is difficult to exercise.”
Becoming A Father, Parker hypothesized that fathers have a lower mortality rate because their children are likely to care for them in the future and monitor their medical check-ups and medication adherence.
Parker also mentions the impact of fatherhood on mental health and says that the symptoms of depression are less in men who have become fathers, and mental health plays an important role in reducing the death rate.
According to Newsweek, the researchers emphasized the age factor and said: “Men who became fathers at a young age, that is, 25 years old and below, had worse heart diseases and a higher death rate.”
Becoming A Father, Researchers consider the lack of economic stability and not reaching full maturity and maturity when becoming a father to be the underlying causes; Especially minority groups and races who have lower paying jobs with fewer benefits and vacations. All these factors can make fatherhood more difficult and stressful.
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