Winter Nail Care: The Best 6 Tips To Have Strong And Beautiful Nails

Winter Nail Care: Tips for an easy winter nail care routine to keep your nails healthy and strong during the chilly weather. Winter brings cosy sweaters, hot drinks, and the joy of the holiday season. But it can also present challenges for your nails. Cold weather, dry air, and the lack of moisture can lead to brittle nails and dry cuticles.
Winter Nail Care, Don’t worry, though – with a little extra care, your nails can stay strong and beautiful all season long. Here are some essential tips to keep your hands and nails in tip-top shape during the colder months.
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Winter Nail Care, Ever wondered why your nails turn brittle during winter? It’s the heady combo of cold air outside and dry indoor heating.
Indoor heating is very drying and can zap moisture from your nails. And those temperature switches from warm inside to freezing outdoors weaken them, making them prone to splitting. Plus, your nails might miss out on nutrients during the winter rush as your body’s focused on keeping you warm instead.
Winter Nail Care, But do not panic: we’ve got some simple winter nail care routine tips that will keep your nails strong and fab all season long!
Winter Nail Care, If you want to keep your nails healthy during the winter weather and stop them from breaking, a simple hand care routine is a great way to go. Here’s our top tips for taking good care of your nails this winter:
Winter Nail Care, Cuticles are your nail’s natural shield, protecting your nail bed from external germs and nasties! Dry cuticles can lead to nail breakage and discomfort. Gently push back your cuticles after a warm hand soak (see below), and apply a good cuticle oil or cream to keep them soft and moisturized.
Look for nourishing nail cuticle oils containing natural ingredients such as jojoba oil, almond oil, or even olive oil. We love Jessica’s Phenomen Oil – a little bit goes a long way so a bottle will last you well.
Winter Nail Care, It’s that winter dehydration battle again! Stop the skin around your nails drying out with regular moisturizing.
Look for creams containing natural oils such as coconut, avocado, or Shea butter. These ingredients create a protective barrier against the cold weather, ensuring your hands stay soft and moisturized throughout the season.
Winter Nail Care, Moisturize at least twice a day if you can, three times if possible. And take advantage of sleeping time with a rich thick hand cream that can soak in fully as you slumber.
Winter Nail Care, Watch out for harsh soaps as well. They’ll strip your nails and skin of their natural oils and leave them prone to cracking. Try to use soaps that contain moisturizing ingredients or remember to hand lotion up after washing.
Winter Nail Care, Yes, we love long nails too. But consider a shorter nail style for the winter months, your fingertips will appreciate it. Combat against more brittle nails in the cold temperatures with shorter nails that are less prone to breaking and cracking.
Winter Nail Care, Regular filing will help maintain a neat shape and prevent nails from getting caught on gloves or scarves. Keep a spare file in your bag in case of nail emergencies. Try, when possible, to file nails whilst they are wet as flexible nails are less likely to split. Best practice is to file from the sides to the middle to minimise risk of damage. Plus, nail files make a fab advent calendar filler or stocking stuffer … just sayin’ wink!
Winter Nail Care, Treat your nails to mini home spa to keep them healthy. Add a splash of lemon juice and cuticle oil to a small bowl of warm water and soak your nails for 5-10 minutes. The lemon juice acts as a natural antiseptic and will help remove any discolouration whilst the cuticle oil helps moisturise your nail beds.
Winter Nail Care, After a soak is a great time to tend to those cuticles and cut or file your nails. Be sure to finish by applying a rich hand lotion and massaging it thoroughly into your hands and nails.
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