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What Changes Does The Skin Care And Beauty Program Need In The Summer?

Skin Care: While it’s good to have a regular skin care routine year-round, these are important steps to keep in mind as the weather gets warmer.

Dermatologists spend summers in the sun just like the rest of us, but how do they keep their skin clear, fresh, and glowing throughout this hot and humid season? As much as we relate this to their job, we must not forget that even professionals sometimes need more effort to prevent acne and sun damage.

Dr. Omar Ibrahim, dermatologist and director of clinical research at Chicago Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, tells Allure that a skin care routine should be practical for all seasons and any weather, but it’s okay to make some changes when the season changes from winter to summer. Take care of your skin.

Skin Care, Sunscreen cream or spray is the most important product of the skin care program that should be used in all seasons of the year. But in the summer, you should never leave the house without sunscreen.

Always have a sunscreen cream or spray with at least SPF30 that you are comfortable with and reapply every two to three hours. Don’t forget the backs of the hands, feet, ears, and lips.

Skin Care And Beauty

Skin Care

Dr. Ibrahim considers half a teaspoon of sunscreen enough to cover the face and neck and protect the skin well from the sun.

Dr. Ibrahim says that just as we wear lighter clothes in summer than in winter, the skin products we use should be lighter and thinner than in winter. This is true of all items used in the skin care program. Therefore, if you used cream or oil cleansers to clean your face in winter, it is better to try gel or foam types in summer.

According to Dr. Ibrahim, to keep your skin care routine lighter, you can use moisturizers with sunscreens that have at least SPF 30. Using thicker, nourishing moisturizers may cause clogged pores and inflammation and acne, says Ibrahim. Especially if you have acne-prone or oily skin, using a moisturizer with sunscreen removes a step from your skin care routine, leaving your skin clearer and fresher.

Skin Care, An extra layer of sweat on the skin of the face is not considered moisturizing. Nava Greenfield, M.D., a dermatologist and medical director of the Schweiger Dermatology Group in Brooklyn, New York, says that despite the warmer and more humid weather, you still need a moisturizer. Even if you have oily skin, be sure to apply moisturizer after cleansing.

Moisturizer rebuilds the skin’s stratum corneum—the outermost layer of skin that protects it from pollutants and harmful chemicals—and prevents further irritation or dryness, says Dr. Ariel Ostad, a dermatologist and surgeon based in New York. According to Dr. Ostad, moisturizers containing sunscreen are used here, which with their light and delicate texture, nourish the outer layer of the skin without creating a heavy feeling.

Skin Care, According to Dr. Ibrahim, although taking vitamin C is great all year round, it’s even more important to use it in the summer. Vitamin C is effective in preventing skin blemishes (hyperpigmentation), improves the appearance of skin lines, and helps in collagen production. After washing your face with a cleanser, apply a few drops of vitamin C on your face and continue your skin care routine with a moisturizer.

Although dermatologists always remind us not to over-exfoliate, the effect of summer must be removed from the skin. Dr. Ostad recommends that if you have oily skin, you should increase the frequency of exfoliation [compared to winter]. She goes on to add that it’s not about acidifying all of your skin products, but increasing the number of days you exfoliate per week.

Skin Care, Daily activities such as exercise, spending time at the beach, and natural summer sweating cause many of us to shower more than once a day. Dr. Ibrahim recommends that you reduce the duration of showering and try not to exceed four to five minutes. She says that showering too much or showering with hot water can dry out the skin and lead to inflammation and even summer eczema.

Skin Care

Read the label of cosmetic products and choose only those that have the words noncomedogenic for summer. In skin products, this term refers to the fact that no pore-blocking substances have been used in this product.

All dermatologists advise their patients to wear protective clothing, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses in the sun. Of course, this does not mean wearing a long-sleeved shirt on a hot summer day at the beach, but be aware that your body is exposed to direct sunlight as little as possible. Using an umbrella or sitting under the shade of a tree can also help you.

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