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Gain Weight On Face: A Breakfast That Makes The Face Fat And Beautiful

Gain Weight On Face: To fatten the face, in addition to a healthy and balanced diet, you can choose fattening breakfasts that are rich in calories, protein and healthy fats.

Instant And Strong Fattening Breakfasts

Gain Weight On Face, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not only the amount of energy and efficiency of a person at the beginning and throughout the day depends on having a healthy breakfast, but also the consumption of some foods in the breakfast meal will make it more beautiful.

If your face is too thin and you want to fatten the face without gaining weight, there are some foods that can help fatten the face. In the continuation of this part of Chashmak, we will introduce some foods that cause obesity and you can eat them in breakfast.

Gain Weight On Face

1. Honey

Gain Weight On Face

If you have a thin face and you want to make your face fat, include honey in your breakfast meal. Eating honey in the breakfast meal provides useful antioxidants for the skin. In addition to eating honey, you can massage a teaspoon of honey slowly on the skin and wash your face with lukewarm water after ten minutes. You can use this mask two to three times a week.

Gain Weight On Face

2. Apple

Eating apples in the morning has many benefits, one of which is fattening the face. Because of its collagen, elastin and antioxidants. Apples help to have young skin, and regular consumption will prevent tissue damage due to antioxidants and vitamins A, B and C. Apart from eating apples in breakfast for face obesity, you can grate it and apply it on the skin. Wait 20 minutes, then wash your face with water.

Gain Weight On Face

3. Nuts And Seeds

Gain Weight On Face

You can use nuts and seeds in breakfast to have fuller cheeks. Nuts contain healthy fats and have a good effect on filling the face and keeping the skin young. Walnuts, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts are among the nuts that are used for facial obesity.

Gain Weight On Face

4. Milk

Milk is a useful breakfast that will also cause obesity because it contains nutrients such as amino acids, calcium, riboflavin (vitamin B12), vitamins A and D, and lactic acid. Instead of milk, you can use dry milk in the morning for facial obesity. If you are only looking for facial fat, include exercise in your daily schedule at the same time as consuming milk powder.

Gain Weight On Face

5. Egg


One of the most attractive options for breakfast is eggs! Eggs are nutritious and contain a variety of vitamins and minerals and can be beneficial for the health and freshness of the facial skin. In addition to using eggs, egg white mask is useful for facial obesity.

To prepare this mask, mix the white of 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, orange juice, etc. and stir until the mixture foams a little, then apply it to the skin and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Stay. This mask can make your face fuller over time.

Gain Weight On Face

6. Avocado

You can eat avocado for breakfast; It is rich in fat, the best sources of potassium and full of antioxidant compounds that will cause obesity. By increasing the elasticity of the skin, avocado helps the skin to look clearer, younger and fuller.

Gain Weight On Face


Consuming a lot of calories for facial obesity will increase your body weight, and there is no special food that only causes gain weight on face.

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