2024 Updates About Frozen Grapes Consumption: Can Eating Frozen Grapes Help Reduce Stress?

Frozen Grapes Consumption: Stress is a natural physiological reaction of the body when dealing with issues and challenges. It can lead to various health impacts, including stress-eating, even when there is no hunger involved.
According to a report by New York Post, Dr. Jason Singh suggests that placing frozen grapes in the mouth and letting them melt slowly can help manage the urge to eat during stressful times.
Dr. Singh explained on TikTok that the coldness activates TRPM8 receptors in the mouth, which stimulates the release of dopamine—the “pleasure hormone” that we often crave during stress. TRPM8 receptors are a type of menthol-sensitive receptor mainly activated at temperatures below body temperature (typically around 29 degrees Celsius). Studies have shown these receptors are fully activated when the temperature drops to about 10 degrees Celsius.
New Studies About Frozen Grapes Consumption
Frozen Grapes Consumption, By activating TRPM8, dopamine levels are maintained, while the release of CGRP (a neuropeptide that lowers dopamine levels in the brain) is suppressed. Additionally, TRPM8 activation boosts levels of interleukin-10, an anti-inflammatory protein that helps the body respond to stress.
Singh also noted that the cool sensation of frozen grapes can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to reduced heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, as well as improved digestion.
Frozen Grapes Consumption, Research suggests that cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, can be lowered in cold conditions, such as immersing oneself in cold water.
Finally, chewing grapes can trigger saliva production, which tricks the brain into thinking that food has been consumed, leading to a feeling of satiety.
Dr. Singh advises: “Whenever you feel stressed, reach for some frozen grapes.”
Frozen Grapes Consumption, Grapes are relatively low-calorie, which can aid in weight management. A cup of grapes, approximately 92 grams, contains only 62 calories. They also provide ample water, fiber, and are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and the antioxidant resveratrol, which benefits heart health.
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