Diabetes Diet: The Best 18 Fruits For Diabetes

Diabetes Diet: If you’ve ever consulted a dietician, one of the first things they recommend is that you eat smaller, more frequent meals instead of three heavy meals. This helps keep your blood sugar levels stable instead of big spikes and drops, which are detrimental to your health.
Snacking in between can be tricky for some people and is the easiest time to eat something unhealthy. One healthy and nutritious option is eating fruits.
Yes, you heard that right! In this article, you will discover fruits with low sugar that are best for people with diabetes.
Are Fruits Good for Diabetes?
Diabetes Diet, There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to diabetes and fruits – today we’re going to help clarify these.
Since people with diabetes tend to cut off sugar from their diet, they feel that fruits (that are naturally sweet) are also a no-no for them. However, fruits are packed with vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories and make for a very healthy snack choice!
Diabetes Diet, The key to distinguishing between healthy and not-so-healthy fruits (for people with diabetes) is the Glycemic Index (GI) score. GI helps determine how fast or slow food will raise your blood sugar levels after you’ve eaten it.
It is ranked on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being water, which doesn’t affect your blood sugar levels, to 100 being glucose, which has the worst effect.
Diabetes Diet, Wondering which fruits can raise your blood sugar levels? Watch our expert Shilpa Joshi as she reveals fruits low in sugar and how you can eat them without letting your blood sugar spike!
List of Fruits for Diabetes
Here’s a list of the top 18 fruits low in sugar for diabetes that can be eaten without worrying about your blood sugar levels spiking:
1. Apples
Diabetes Diet, They weren’t bluffing when they said that an apple a day can keep the doctor away! Rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, apples are excellent at preventing blood sugar fluctuations. Feel free to snack on these raw and fresh, as they are one of the most popular fruits with low sugar.
2. Oranges
Diabetes Diet, The American Diabetes Association (ADA) considers citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits and lemons) to be diabetes superfoods. Oranges, in particular, are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, folates, flavonols, flavanones and phenolic acid, all of which are good for diabetes.
3. Black Jamuns
Diabetes Diet, Black jamuns are fruits with low sugar and the best fruit for diabetes – undoubtedly! People even have the powdered seeds of this fruit to keep their blood sugar levels in check.
4. Watermelons
Diabetes Diet, A refreshing summer delight, this fruit is hydrating, rich in iron and low on sugar. Though watermelons have a high GI score, their overall Glycaemic load (the total amount of food needed to cause the spike in blood sugar levels) is very low – making them a healthy option for people with diabetes. One small bowl (approximately 75-80 g) of watermelon can be consumed
5. Guava
Diabetes Diet, Rich in Vitamins A and C and fiber, guavas are fruits low in sugar. They are good for controlling diabetes and constipation as they have a low GI score.
6. Papaya
Diabetes Diet, Known to help people with diabetes reduce the risk of heart problems and nerve damage, this vitamin, mineral and antioxidant-rich fruit may be a good addition to a diabetes diet.
7. Pineapples
Diabetes Diet, Rich in anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, pineapples are also a healthy snack option for people with diabetes.
8. Pomegranates
Diabetes Diet, The richest antioxidant fruit of all, pomegranates are known to protect you from free radicals. Feel free to snack on a handful of these red pearls whenever they are in season.
9. Sweet lime
Diabetes Diet, Like most other citrus fruits, sweet lime has a low glycemic index, making it a good fruit for people with prediabetes and diabetes.
10. Pear
Diabetes Diet, In a population at risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, research shows that consuming fruits like pears and apples has been shown to reduce the risk of developing the condition.
11. Strawberries
Diabetes Diet, They help improve immunity, have cancer-fighting abilities and help lose weight by boosting metabolism – making this low GI fruit a great addition to your diet!
12. Cherries
Diabetes Diet, Rich in a pigment known as anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, cherries are known to boost the cell’s ability to produce insulin considerably.
13. Starfruits
Diabetes Diet, Healthy for people with diabetes like black jamuns, starfruits are fruits low in sugar for diabetes.
14. Kiwis
Diabetes Diet, This antioxidant-rich fuzzy, green fruit is rich in Vitamins A and C and has very low amounts of sugar. It is known to slow down the release of glucose, preventing a spike in blood sugar levels.
15. Plums
Diabetes Diet, These delicious purple treats are great for everyone, including those with diabetes! Yes, that’s right! With only 7 grams of sugar per fruit, this sweet treat can be enjoyed at any time of the day!
16. Peaches
Diabetes Diet, A sweet-tasting fruit that doesn’t contain a lot of sugar – have one of these next time you have a sweet craving! Peaches are fruits with low sugar and rich in fiber and make for a great mid-day snack.
17. Raspberries
Diabetes Diet, This one’s a hit amongst people with a sweet tooth! Raspberries contain only 5 gm of sugar per cup and are loaded with fiber, keeping you feeling full for a long time.
18. Blackberries
Diabetes Diet, Rich in antioxidants and fiber and low in sugar content, which makes them a healthy option.
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