Cereal For Diabetes: Consumption Can Help Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

Cereal For Diabetes: New research results indicate that the consumption of cereals such as oats, brown rice and millet is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.
According to the New York Post, ancient grains are praised for their rich nutritional content, as they are a source of fiber and protein, and are not refined like flour and white rice.
Cereal For Diabetes, Ancient grains include grains such as millet, quinoa, farro (traditional wheat), black barley, buckwheat, and chia seeds. According to the New York Presbyterian Hospital, the fiber in these grains slows down the absorption and digestion of food and can help prevent blood sugar from rising. High blood sugar is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
Cereal For Diabetes
According to a review of the results of 29 studies, which included 1,809 participants, eating ancient grains improves a number of diabetes symptoms such as high levels of insulin, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Oats are especially useful for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar.
Cereal For Diabetes, The researchers noted that oats are “rich in protein, carbohydrates, soluble fiber, phenolic compounds, and minerals.” Phenol compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
According to these studies, the consumption of brown rice has had a significant effect on the average blood sugar index in the three-month period, as well as on the body mass index, but it has not had an effect on other blood sugar or cholesterol indices.
Cereal For Diabetes, Millets also had a “significant effect” on weight, but the researchers caution that “these results should be interpreted with caution” because other factors may have contributed to the participants’ weight loss.
According to this research, chia seeds did not have a “significant effect” in improving patients with type 2 diabetes. Of course, the researchers emphasized that due to the diversity in the research as well as the limitation of the sample size, more research in this field is necessary.
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