A Viral Infection During Pregnancy May Increase Autism Risk In Infants

Viral Infection During Pregnancy: For years, researchers have studied the potential impact of inflammatory responses in a mother’s body—particularly during pregnancy and due to infections—on fetal brain development. Recent research has shed light on this subject, suggesting a possible link between certain viral infections during pregnancy and an increased risk of autism in newborns.
A new study conducted on mice indicates that contracting a viral infection during pregnancy can potentially lead to autism in offspring. Irene Sanchez Martin, a postdoctoral researcher at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island, explained the findings, stating: “Following maternal exposure to a virus, developmental abnormalities may rapidly manifest in the mouse embryos.”
Viral Infection During Pregnancy, She further elaborated, “The model we used is a validated and reliable model for studying autism spectrum disorders. My approach differs because, instead of examining the offspring’s behavior in adulthood, I focus on the condition of the fetus just 24 hours after the mother’s exposure to inflammation.”
A Viral Infection During Pregnancy May Increase Autism
According to a report by the New York Post, approximately one in every 36 children in the United States is affected by autism. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that influences how individuals learn, behave, communicate, and interact with others. While no specific cause has been identified for autism, it is generally believed that genetics and environmental factors play roles in its development.
Viral Infection During Pregnancy, For years, scientists have explored how inflammatory responses in a mother’s body, particularly during pregnancy due to infections, may affect fetal brain development and increase the risk of autism or other developmental disorders.
Sanchez Martin’s research, conducted at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, represents the first comprehensive study examining prenatal inflammation effects on a fetus in a model for autism. Sanchez reported that all female embryos in the study appeared unaffected by developmental abnormalities, while one-third of male embryos were significantly impacted.
Viral Infection During Pregnancy, The findings of this study may correlate with data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which reports that boys are nearly four times more likely than girls to develop autism. Sanchez Martin presented this research at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in Chicago this past week. She hopes that these findings will lead to identifying early warning signs of autism, even before birth.
Various theories exist regarding the causes of autism, but this study opens a new path for research. This study at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory builds on earlier work by researchers at the University of Michigan and the CDC, who found that infants born with the common cytomegalovirus (CMV) are 2.5 times more likely than other infants to develop autism.
Viral Infection During Pregnancy, As scientists delve deeper into understanding how prenatal infections may influence the risk of autism, this research emphasizes the importance of maternal health and infection prevention during pregnancy. If early signs of autism can be detected before birth, there may be potential for more effective interventions, marking a significant milestone in autism research.
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