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The Best 6 Tips For Rehydrating The Body For Those Who Avoid Drinking Water

Tips For Rehydrating The Body: If you forget to drink water, you can turn to technology such as mobile reminders. With this, the phone will remind you every time it’s time to drink water!

Although experts always emphasize drinking enough water, many people still do not take this advice as seriously as they should. “A simple rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day,” advises Vanessa King, a nutritionist from Ohio. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds (63 kilograms), you need the equivalent of 70 ounces or about eight glasses of water a day.”

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, Of course, the exact amount of water needed per day depends on various factors such as age, level of physical activity, sweating rate, health status, medications (some can cause dehydration) and where you live (more water is needed in hot weather). is) depends.

According to King, if the body does not get enough water, the mouth will be dry and the color of the urine will be darker than normal. Dizziness or headache may also occur, and in addition, you may experience thirst. Those who are truly dehydrated, often the elderly, may experience altered mental status, low blood pressure, kidney failure, and other complications that require hospitalization.

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, According to Time report, proper hydration of the body is related to better mood, cognitive power, as well as optimal body function, helps to lose weight and relieve constipation, and makes the skin look healthier and fresher.

But really, how can you drink so much water every day? Especially if it is not our favorite drink. Experts have suggested solutions for optimal hydration of the body.

1. Add A Glass Of Water A Week

Tips For Rehydrating The Body

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, Many people avoid drinking water because they don’t want to go to the bathroom all the time. The solution is to gradually accustom the body to tolerate more water. It is recommended to drink the first extra glass of water after waking up so that you can go to the bathroom before you leave the house and not on the way or when you get to work.

After a week, add a second extra glass of water to your routine after you get home. In this case, the body adapts to two additional glasses of water. In the third week, you can add another glass at any hour of the day. By doing this, the body has a week each time to adapt to the new conditions.

2. Plan To Drink Water Throughout The Day

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, If you forget to drink water, you can turn to technology such as mobile reminders. With this, the phone will remind you every time it’s time to drink water.

3. Make A Daily Report Of Water Supply

Tips For Rehydrating The Body

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, Experts recommend that setting a goal helps us change our lifestyle more easily. For example, stating “I drink 100 ounces of water a day” is better than saying “I drink more water.” Keeping a daily log of how much water you use and when it’s used will help you in this way because it will reveal patterns of use and show you where changes are needed.

4. Add Vegetables Or Fruits To The Water

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, Experts say that adding some fruits such as pineapple and lemon slices gives the water a tropical feel. You can also add sliced ​​cucumber to a glass of water with mint or ginger to make it more beautiful and attractive. Mixing water with watermelon and basil or chard and rosemary is a different suggestion that has many fans.

5. Use Transparent Glasses


Tips For Rehydrating The Body, Many people fill their colored thermoses with water and take them home full, King says. While the transparent thermos lets you know what the situation is and how much water you have drunk. If you have a full thermos in front of you all day, you’ll probably finally decide it’s time to take a sip.

6. Play With Temperature

Tips For Rehydrating The Body, Many people do not like to drink cold water. Of course, this also depends on the weather of their place of residence. Experts recommend drinking room temperature water, water with ice cubes, or even boiled water. Knowing what temperature you prefer your water to make it a little easier to drink.

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