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The Facts Of Using Sunburn Creams From Experts

Sunburn Creams: To heal sunburned skin, you should think of a cooling ointment.

After Britain’s hottest day of the year on Sunday, with parts of southern England reaching minus 31C, it’s no surprise that many people woke up on Monday with sore, sunburned skin. .

Sunburn Creams, It is very important to take care of the skin that has been under the sun for a long time; Otherwise, the damage caused by it can be long-term, but it is not enough to immediately buy and use the so-called “after sun” lotion and cream to heal your skin after sunburn.

According to experts, if you do not pay attention to the ingredients used in these creams, you may even harm your skin more by using them; For this reason, it is better to use aloe vera gel instead of these types of creams.

Sunburn Creams, Dermatologist Michaela Boulder of the Time Bum skin care company told The Independent: “Afterburner formulas are too thick and oily, and they put a layer of oil on the skin, trapping the heat in the top layer. Confinement and inflammation and the burning sensation of the facial skin intensify. “Additionally, many over-the-counter after-sun products contain chemicals and fragrances that further irritate damaged skin.”

Lorraine Scrivener, director of Eden Skin Clinics, also explains that aloe vera has long been recognized for its healing properties. “Aloe vera has been a reliable skin savior for years, and given its cooling properties, it’s definitely the best treatment for sunburned skin,” she says.

According to Ms. Scrivener, the best type of aloe vera is its pure, colorless jelly.

Sunburn Creams, Jellies, unlike thick creams that are made to retain moisture and thus retain the heat of the skin, allow the heat under the skin to escape, resulting in a cooling sensation.

Using Sunburn Creams From Experts

Sunburn Creams

But Dr. Ross Perry, general practitioner and medical director of Cosmetics UK, points out that technically, the therapeutic properties of aloe vera have not been proven in scientific research. “Aloe vera is a traditional herbal remedy that is thought to reduce the effects of sunburn,” she adds. “There is no scientific evidence to support its use for sunburn, but clinical evidence shows that (aloe vera) is a safe and cooling salve.”

The history of aloe vera plant goes back to the Arabian Peninsula. In Papyrus Ebers (the oldest existing medical text), which was transcribed from an ancient manuscript more than 3,500 years ago in the 16th century BC, the properties of aloe vera are mentioned. Aloe vera is also mentioned in the natural history text of Pliny the Elder (a Roman naturalist and author who died in the Vesuvius volcano in the first century AD) in the middle of the first century AD.

Sunburn Creams, Despite the lack of scientific evidence for the effectiveness of aloe vera in the treatment of sunburn, many health experts still prescribe aloe vera to heal irritated skin.

“Aloe vera is said to have a positive effect on a range of skin conditions, especially sunburn,” says Dr. Natalie Spierings, a dermatologist at Dermatica. Its real clinical effects have not yet been proven, but aloe vera has no side effects and probably helps heal sunburned skin; So it’s worth a try.”

Although some dermatologists recommend using clear and colorless aloe vera gel instead of heavier moisturizers to treat sunburn, others say that any type of cream containing this plant is fine. “For (healing) sunburned skin, you should think about a cooling salve,” says Boulder.

Sunburn Creams, The best method is to use a formula that has a lot of water and aloe vera; The more natural the better. Aloe vera has many cooling, healing and disinfecting powers and for this reason it is superior to other products.

It is appropriate to use any type of sunscreen cream or lotion if it is mild and natural; But if you’re not sure if the after-sun cream you’re buying is more healing and less harmful, clear, colorless aloe vera is probably the most harmless option.

Sunburn Creams, According to the British Cancer Research Institute’s report that every year around 16 thousand people in this country are diagnosed with skin cancer (melanoma), skin care is very important in the hot summer months.

Dr. Vikram Raj Kumar, a dermatologist and skin cancer specialist at Pal Mall Medical Center, advises that if pain and discomfort from sunburn persists, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

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