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Sugar Affect On Aging: High Consumption Of Sugar Accelerates Aging

Sugar Affect On Aging: An experiment found that the cells of middle-aged women who ate foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants were younger.

A nutrient-dense diet low in added sugar can slow the rate of biological aging in women, new research suggests.

Sugar Affect On Aging, In a new study, the results of which were published July 29 in the journal JAMA Network Open, scientists found that the cells of middle-aged women who consumed foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants compared to women who they consume less, it is “younger”.

Sugar Affect On Aging, According to Live Science, the young scientists evaluated the cells by looking at chemical tags known as methyl groups on the surface of DNA molecules. These tags change the activity of specific genes without changing the original DNA code. This process is called “epigenetic changes”. The pattern of methyl groups changes with age and is believed to play a role in accelerating cellular aging.

While a nutrient-dense diet can slow aging, added sugar appears to moderate this effect.

Sugar Affect On Aging, Added sugar refers to sugary substances that are added during the production or preparation of food; Such as sugars found in sweetened beverages or convenience foods versus natural sugars found in milk, fruits, or vegetables.

Sugar Affect On Aging: High Consumption Of Sugar Accelerates Aging

Sugar Affect On Aging

Sugar Affect On Aging, In the study, researchers found that women who consumed the most added sugar showed signs of cellular aging faster than others, even though their diet was generally healthy.

This study is one of the first to show a link between added sugar consumption and what is called “epigenetic aging.” It is also the first study to examine this relationship in both black and white women. The average age of the participants was 39 years.

Sugar Affect On Aging, “We knew that high levels of added sugar were probably more associated with worsening metabolic health and premature disease than any other dietary factor,” study co-author Elisa Apple, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. “We now know that accelerated epigenetic aging underlies this connection and is likely one of many that confirm that high sugar intake limits lifespan with health.”

Sugar Affect On Aging, Apple and his colleagues analyzed the food records of 342 women over three non-consecutive days and then evaluated each woman’s diet based on its compatibility with different diets. These diets included the “Mediterranean diet” – rich in plants, whole grains and unsaturated fats as well as red meat, saturated fats and low sugar – and another diet called the “alternative healthy eating index” which specifically focused on foods and nutrients that It is emphasized that they help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The researchers also designed a new metric to measure nutrient intake called the “Epigenetic Nutritional Index,” which considered nutrients associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory processes in the body, as well as the maintenance and repair of DNA. Like vitamins A, B12 and C along with folate and magnesium.

The team also assessed added sugar intake and calculated the participants’ epigenetic age by analyzing DNA methylation of cells in saliva samples.

Sugar Affect On Aging, The data ultimately showed a link between diet and cellular aging, but only painted a general picture of the situation.

Sugar Affect On Aging, These findings confirm that consuming nutritious foods that are low in added sugar can increase a person’s healthy lifespan; It means a period of life when a person is not only alive but also in good health.

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