Sleeping With The Light On Can Have Various Negative Effectives On Our Health!

Sleeping With The Light On: Have you ever wondered why we turn off the light when we sleep and sleeping in a lighted room is not recommended at all? This issue has a very important reason.
What Happens In Our Body When We Sleep With The Light On?
Sleeping With The Light On, It has probably happened to you that you have slept with the light on in the room. It doesn’t matter what the reason for this is, in any case, sleeping with the light of a lamp and light on has disadvantages that make you not benefit enough from your sleep.
In this episode of Chashmak Magazine, we are going to tell you what happens to your body when you sleep with the light on.
Sleeping With The Light On
1. Damage To The Reproductive System
Sleeping With The Light On, Studies show that exposure to artificial light at night increases the risk of infertility. This test was done on female mice. These mice slept in bright light at night and had a higher rate of infertility than the mice that slept in the dark.
Also, the rhythm of their body’s circadian system, i.e. their internal body clock, was messed up. So the light of the lamp while sleeping at night has an effect on women‘s reproductive system.
Another study was conducted in this field and it was concluded that nurses who work night shifts are usually more likely to suffer from this problem and disrupt the menstrual cycle.
2. Heart Problems
Sleeping With The Light On, Light at night not only reduces melatonin but also causes blood pressure. If you are exposed to a lot of light at night, the production of melatonin in the body is suppressed, and as a result, blood pressure increases, and high fluctuations can be a factor in increasing the possibility of heart disease and stroke.
3. Weight Gain
Excessive exposure to artificial light at night is the cause of reduced metabolism, which disrupts the sleep cycle and circadian rhythm of the body and will be a factor in obesity.
A study on 43,000 women has been conducted in this field and it shows that people who sleep with the bright light of the TV at night will face weight gain. This change will occur regardless of sleep quality or timing.
4. Hormonal Changes
Sleeping With The Light On, Having a single light on can disrupt the hormonal balance. The light from mobile phone, TV or computer causes lack of melatonin and also disturbs biological processes. Melatonin is the first thing that is suppressed in such a situation and people’s sleep is disrupted. Hormones are also affected and anti-aging hormones are secreted less.
5. Depression
Sleeping With The Light On, A study in this field shows that exposure to light at night increases the risk of depression. Disruption of the circadian rhythm worsens the symptoms of depression. Red light may have less harmful effects because people are less sensitive to red wavelengths.
Of course, in some cases, light therapy is also done with blue color, but in general, it is better to be exposed to no light at night.
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