The 13 Simple Ways To Treat Runny Nose At Home

Treat Runny Nose At Home: Many things can cause a runny nose (rhinorrhea). Acute (sudden and short-term) causes include viruses, cold weather, sinusitis, certain foods, exercise, and medications.
Chronic (long-term or recurring) causes include allergies, hormones, and nasal polyps.
Treat Runny Nose At Home, For some people, a runny nose is something that happens only when they have a cold, and for others, it is a constant part of their lives. A complication that can have various causes, including: sensitivity, sinus problems, infection and cold. Although runny nose is not considered a serious threat to health, it can have serious side effects such as headache, sore throat, cough, and most importantly, fatigue.
Most people take anti-allergic pills to prevent such problems, pills that are associated with drowsiness and fatigue. Therefore, in the following, we will introduce you to some home remedies for runny nose, effective and without side effects.
Treat Runny Nose At Home, Many factors can cause a runny nose (rhinorrhea).
Acute (sudden and short-term) causes include viruses, cold weather, sinusitis, certain foods, exercise, and medications.
Chronic (long-term or recurring) causes include allergies, hormones, and nasal polyps.
Treat Runny Nose At Home, The shape of mucus secretions can be different depending on the cause of your runny nose. If you have a virus, your mucus will be thick and yellow. If allergies cause your runny nose, your mucus is clear and accompanied by itching and sneezing. In this article, we discuss home remedies and medicines that can help with a runny nose.
Treat Runny Nose At Home
Complications Of Untreated Runny Nose
Treat Runny Nose At Home, A runny nose usually resolves within a week to 10 days. However, if left untreated, it can lead to complications. For example, a sinus infection occurs when fluid builds up in the sinuses. Unresolved allergies, colds, and sinus infections can increase the risk of ear infections.
Home Treatment
Often, home remedies can clear up a runny nose. Things like incense and heat can help clear the nasal passages and drain them. These can reduce pressure and help you feel better and breathe easier.
1. Warm Drinks
Treat Runny Nose At Home, Warm drinks are soothing when you’re feeling down and can soothe a sore throat. This is especially helpful if you suffer from a runny nose.
Fluids help the immune system function by accelerating the delivery of nutrients to body cells and thinning mucus. Choose warm drinks and liquid foods that are nutritious and hydrate the body. Such as chicken broth, meat broth, thin soups, herbal tea, and warm water with honey and lemon.
2. Lemon
Rich in vitamin C, lemon is one of the best citrus fruits to fight colds, sore throats, and especially runny noses. If you want to get relief from a runny nose, don’t forget to drink water and lemon with a spoonful of honey for a better taste.
3. Garlic
Treat Runny Nose At Home, One of nature’s strongest antibacterial and antiseptics, which is considered one of the most effective home remedies for runny nose. You can chew a little raw garlic during the day or put some garlic in boiling water and add a little sugar to it after the garlic dissolves in the water; Drink this solution once or twice a day.
4. Ginger
If you want to cure your runny nose as soon as possible, try ginger. This miraculous substance is not only a strong detoxifier, but also an antioxidant and anti-fungal agent. To use this plant root, put some salt on fresh ginger and chew it throughout the day. You can add some ginger to boiling water, dissolve it well in water, add some honey and drink this drink 3-4 times a day.
5. Honey
Treat Runny Nose At Home, According to many researches, honey is a very strong anti-bacterial with anti-viral properties that significantly helps in the treatment of runny nose. Add two spoons of honey to the mixture of water, lemon and cinnamon powder and drink this miraculous solution twice a day.
6. Take Incense
When you feel congested (nasal congestion), using a warm fumigator can loosen the nasal mucus and help it drain more effectively. If you don’t have a fumigator at home, you can fumigate by bending over a bowl or pot of hot water. .
To use steam, pour boiled water in a bowl or pot. Next, pull a towel over your head and bend over the bowl, placing your face about half a meter above the water. Make sure the water is on a stable surface so you don’t spill and get burned. Avoid scalding by keeping a sufficient distance from water.
7. Eucalyptus Oil
Treat Runny Nose At Home, If you are looking for a way to treat your runny nose without any side effects, don’t forget eucalyptus oil. This Rufen is an effective decongestant that relieves your nasal problems. To use this oil, put a few drops of it in a container of boiling water and add incense.
8. Turmeric
Treat Runny Nose At Home, A spice that is famous not only because of its aroma and taste in cooking but also because of its chemical properties and has a wonderful effect in stopping runny nose. Add half a spoon of turmeric to linseed oil, heat this mixture until you see smoke, inhale the smoke coming out of this mixture.
Due to the risk of burns, this method is not recommended for children. Never put hot water on your feet. Be sure to place it on a firm and flat surface and out of the reach of children. If you have pets at home, do this away from them.
9. Hot Shower
A hot shower works like inhaling steam. However, you are using steam from a hot shower instead of a bowl of hot water. You can take a shower and breathe in the steam.
A steam bath is safer for children than other methods of inhaling steam and can reduce accidental spills of very hot water. However, still supervise children in the bathroom when using hot water.
10. Rest And Sleep More
Treat Runny Nose At Home, A runny nose is often a sign that your body is fighting an infection. Rest is essential to help the immune system function properly. Try to sleep on time or even earlier when fighting a cold or other illness. Even taking a nap can be very beneficial for you.
11. Warm Compress
A warm compress on the face can help loosen the mucus, so it drains more effectively. You can make a warm compress by heating a towel and placing it on the nose and eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.
12. Humidifier
Treat Runny Nose At Home, Humidifiers add moisture to the air. The presence of moisture helps loosen the mucus so that your nose can clear secretions more effectively.
It is convenient to use a humidifier because you can leave them in your bedroom while you sleep to make the air in the room moist and comfortable. Keep your humidifier clean so you don’t inadvertently introduce mold and other pathogens into the air.
13. Washing The Nose
Treat Runny Nose At Home, For this, there is a device called a neti pot, which is a teapot-like device, and by pouring washing serum into it, you can clean them by washing the nasal passages, mucus, and washing the sinuses. Don’t forget to boil the water if you don’t have access to the head for washing. Because tap water can contain organisms that can cause an infection when it gets into your nose. You don’t need to have this device available to wash the mucous membrane of Beni, and you can replace it with a syringe without a needle.
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