High Sugar Intake Risks: High Sugar Consumption Is Associated With Numerous Chronic Diseases

High Sugar Intake Risks: Excessive Sugar Consumption Disrupts “Intracellular Trafficking”! In a research published Wednesday, November 27, in the scientific journal Cell, biologist Richard Young revealed that excessive and continuous sugar consumption disrupts “intracellular Trafficking.”
He suggests that this disruption plays a critical role in the development of many chronic diseases.
High Sugar Intake Risks; What Is Intracellular Trafficking?
High Sugar Intake Risks, Intracellular Trafficking refers to the orderly and coordinated processes within cells where molecules, proteins, or other cellular components move to specific locations or interact as required. When disrupted, these processes slow down or stop, leading to a build-up and malfunction within cells.
According to USA Today, sugar from various foods, whether healthy or unhealthy, is metabolized into energy. However, Young, a biology professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, explains, “If you consume two Coca-Cola sodas instead of a balanced meal with adequate nutrients, the natural equilibrium in your body is disturbed. Elevated sugar levels in the bloodstream lead to an overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. These ROS can damage cellular components, resulting in oxidative stress.”
High Sugar Intake Risks, For decades, researchers have known that people with chronic diseases produce high amounts of reactive oxygen species in their cells. These molecules, due to their reactive properties, can harm cellular structures. The prevalence of ROS naturally increases with age, correlating with the higher incidence of chronic diseases among older adults.
What was unclear until now was whether a specific mechanism in the body was particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress.
A Significant Discovery
Young and his team believe they have identified this mechanism.
“None of us realized there was a relatively straightforward mechanism at play,” Young notes.
High Sugar Intake Risks, Using advanced microscopy technology, which allows scientists to track protein movements within cells, researchers observed how ROS accumulation impacts cellular processes. Young and his team found that when ROS levels rise, about half of the proteins within cells—those that act as “workers” maintaining cellular functions—become immobilized in traffic jams.
Further investigation revealed that the proteins slowed by ROS are those directly linked to a wide range of chronic diseases.
Expert Opinions
Leonardo Zon, a professor of pediatric medicine at Harvard Medical School, calls the study “incredibly fascinating.”
High Sugar Intake Risks, While it remains unclear which chronic diseases are most affected or how many are involved, Zon, who studies oxidative stress in cancer, believes the research sheds light on how the body responds to elevated ROS levels.
“This opens up a new avenue for understanding oxidative damage in the body,” Zon says. “It’s an important research area with significant potential to improve public health.”
Reversing Disease Progression
High Sugar Intake Risks, The next step for researchers is to determine how to leverage this new understanding to reverse the progression of chronic diseases.
Jonathan Ditlev, a molecular biologist from Toronto, Canada, suggests, “If we can identify one or two dietary or pharmaceutical interventions that act like a traffic cop to clear the jammed intracellular pathways, this could be a groundbreaking discovery.”
Ditlev emphasizes the importance of dietary changes, noting that reducing processed foods and added sugars can mitigate issues like nerve damage in diabetes patients. However, he warns that restoring healthy cellular function is not an overnight process.
Young adds, “Once these diseases develop, reversing them isn’t easy. Someone already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes remains more vulnerable than someone who hasn’t experienced it.”
High Sugar Intake Risks, Given the high cost of developing new drugs—ranging from $10 to $15 billion—Ditlev advocates for repurposing existing medications known to affect intracellular protein traffic, potentially a more cost-effective solution.
Awareness As A Catalyst For Change
High Sugar Intake Risks, Understanding what happens within cells can itself motivate healthier choices.
Both Zon and Young admit to altering their habits after learning about these disruptions.
High Sugar Intake Risks, “This insight makes you more mindful of what you put into your body,” Zon explains. Young concurs, saying, “Knowing what happens when I consume excess sugar makes avoiding it much easier.”
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