A New Research Confirms That Giving Birth In Water Is Safe

Giving Birth In Water: Water birth is safe for women with normal pregnancies. New research results show that water birth does not increase the risk of childbirth complications for either the mother or the baby.
Cardiff University researchers analyzed data from 73,229 people with low-risk pregnancies who gave birth between 2015 and 2022 in the birth pool of 26 National Health Centers in England and Wales.
According to the Guardian, researchers in this analysis looked at the rate of severe tearing of women‘s bodies during childbirth, the number of babies who needed antibiotics or ventilators in the neonatal unit, and the number of babies who died.
Giving Birth In Water, The results showed that these risks and problems for babies and mothers, in the cases of water birth, were not more than the cases of water birth.
About 9%, i.e. 600,000 annual births that are performed in centers affiliated with the British National Health Organization, are performed in the birthing pool and water. According to clinical guidelines, the option of water birth should be offered to all mothers.
Giving Birth In Water Is Safe
Professor Julia Sanders of Cardiff University said the research showed water births are a safe alternative to out-of-water births. He added: “In Britain, about 60,000 women a year go to birthing pools to relieve the pain of pregnancy. But some midwives and doctors are worried that giving birth in water brings more risks.
Giving Birth In Water, “According to some reports, some babies may become seriously ill or die after being born in the water, and some mothers may experience severe lacerations or bleeding,” he says. “We wanted to see if a water birth with UK Health and Wellbeing midwives was as safe as an out-of-water birth.”
Peter Brocklehurst, emeritus professor of women’s health from Birmingham, said: “Given that 10 per cent of women immerse themselves in water for labor pain relief, the results of this study will have far-reaching implications, and not just for the thousands of women in the UK who choose to do so., but will also affect women around the world who choose immersion as a routine method of labor pain relief.”
Giving Birth In Water, Professor Chris Gill, from the UK’s National Institute of Health and Wellbeing, said: “Many paediatricians and neonatologists are concerned that water births pose more risks to babies, but this study provides compelling evidence that water births are safe for women who are pregnant. They are safe, it is safe.”
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