Curly hair And 10 Amazing Tricks To Care For It

Curly hair: If you have curly hair, at least once you have regretfully heard the phrase “Your hair is so beautiful, I wish I had curly hair too!”
Those who say this sentence only see the beautiful appearance of curly hair and are unaware of its problems. The truth is that keeping curly hair beautiful throughout the day is more difficult than it seems. But, this should not worry you. The good news is that, in the rest of this article, we have explained the ways to care for the health of curly hair.
Curly hair care
10 Amazing Tricks To Care For Curly Hair
Curly hair, By following a few simple tips, you can make your waves and curls look shiny and strong. In the following, we will discuss 10 simple but important tips about caring for curly hair.
1. Always Start Combing The Hair From The Ends
When you comb your hair from the bottom up, instead of going through all the knots from top to bottom, you’re gently untangling each knot individually. That’s why the comb goes down on your hair easily.
2. Cut Your Hair Regularly So That It Does Not Get Frizzy
Curly hair, Your hair doesn’t look good with frizz (not to mention that frizz is one of the causes of frizzy hair). If you want your curls to look healthy and beautiful, visit the salon every six to eight weeks to get your hair done. You can also use homemade anti-frizz masks to prevent frizz.
3. Try The Hair Serum
Curly hair, What is hair serum? These serums take care of the hair shaft using a silicone protective coating. Using the right hair serum will soften your curly hair. In addition, by using it, your hair will be regular and you can easily separate them. For this purpose, every time you want to use the hair serum, take three or four puffs of it. Of course, this amount depends on the length and type of your hair. Pour the product into the palms of your hands and gently apply it to your hair curls.
4. Use A Coarse-Toothed Comb Instead Of A Regular Brush
Curly hair is extremely fragile in tangled or knotted parts. A proper brush should be used to prevent tangles and frizz, because every curl is a prone point for hair to break. Using a coarse-toothed comb is a suitable and gentle way to detangle curly hair. This comb, unlike the brush, does not spoil the natural state of the curls. Of course, remember to start combing from the bottom up.
5. Apply Conditioner To The Ends Of Your Hair
Curly hair, When your hair becomes dry, frizzy or dull, you don’t need to treat it with special products. Instead, take a coin-sized amount of styling cream or oil with your fingertips and apply it to the ends of your hair. This will add more moisture to your hair.
6. To Have Open And Beautiful Curls, Use The “Pineapple Trick”.
In the pineapple technique, you should gather your hair very loosely at the highest point of your head at night before going to sleep. This trick will keep your curls in order. Also, it helps your hair to maintain its natural volume and shape. Interestingly, you can easily remove your hair from the pineapple style.
7. Don’t Forget Dispenser
Curly hair, If you have never used a hair dryer dispenser, we must say that you have missed a golden opportunity. The dispenser is a hair dryer accessory that is placed on the outlet and is used to maintain the hair curler. This device largely prevents curled hair from frizzing (compared to when the hair dries naturally). In addition, with the help of the dispenser, your curls will be more uniform and voluminous.
To use the dispenser, first take the excess water from your hair after showering. If your hair is dry, spray or sprinkle some water on it. Then, use a heat protectant on your hair.
In the next step, with the help of your fingers, twist each ring into the desired shape. Then, collect all your hair in the dispenser and twist it around your hair. Continue doing this until all the curls take the beautiful shape you want and dry.
8. Refresh The Curls With A Curling Iron
Curling curly hair may seem silly. But when your hair is messy and tangled, this trick is the best way to tidy it up. Choose an iron that is roughly the same diameter as your hair. If you think your curls are too small, use an iron with a larger diameter to open it up. If your curls are not very fine, use an iron that is one size smaller.
Of course, keep in mind that curly hair is naturally drier than straight hair and therefore has much less heat tolerance. Style your curls as much as you can without heat tools and with hand movements.
9. Use Coconut Oil To Deepen Curls
Curly hair, One of the benefits of coconut oil for hair is to deepen the curls. Before showering, take a palm-sized amount of coconut oil and apply it to your dry hair, until your hair is completely saturated with coconut oil. Then, twist your hair. At the end, tie them in a tomato shape with a clip or clip for 30 to 45 minutes.
In order to make your hair moister, you can heat your oily hair tied with clips for a few minutes with a gentle heat so that the oil penetrates better and more into its strands. Also, you can use a heating cap that is placed in the microwave and heated. Wear the cap on your oily hair until it cools down.
10. Sleep On A Silk Pillow So That Your Hair Does Not Get Frizzy
Frizz is a natural part of curly hair in our life. But, it becomes problematic if overnight frizz leads to tangles, tangles, and breakage in the morning.
At the first opportunity, replace your cotton pillowcase with satin or silk. You may think this is very special and unnecessary, but your curly and styled hair is more likely to catch and tangle on the rough surface of the cotton pillowcase. Meanwhile, your hair slides on silk fibers and gets less tangled. It also loses less moisture. So, trust us; with a satin or silk pillowcase, you will have softer and clearer hair that is less tangled and less frizzy in the morning.
Also Read:
The 7 Best Steps To Straighten Curly Hair
Curly Hair Tips: The 11 Best Tips And Guides For Curly Hair
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