Face Wash: Exactly How Many Seconds Should We Wash Our Face?

Face Wash: For people who are interested in skin care but don’t want to add new products to their existing purchases, increasing the wash time is an easy way to improve results.
Cleansing your skin may seem like the easiest way to take care of your skin, but if you take the time to do it, it will have a significant impact.
Face Wash, According to HuffPost, based on recent research, washing your face for 60 seconds or a little more has a significant effect on improving skin quality. This method is especially effective for people with acne-prone skin. Kelly Reed, a pharmacist from Texas, told HuffPost about his interest in this method that it deeply cleanses the skin of pollution, makeup and fat, and people will see positive changes in their skin after a while.
Increasing the washing time means providing more opportunity for the skin to be completely cleaned of oil and dirt, but one of its most important advantages is that the detergent active ingredients have the opportunity to penetrate the skin and affect it.
Face Wash: Exactly How Many Seconds Should We Wash Our Face?
Face Wash, According to Jeremiah Brewer, MD, a pharmacist in New York City, most people spend only 15 seconds washing their face, which is not enough time for the effective ingredients in the cleanser to activate.
For people who are interested in skin care but don’t want to add new products to their previous purchases, increasing the washing time is an easy way to improve results. Especially since this work is very easy and applicable and only requires the right detergent for each skin.
Face Wash, But the point that should be noted is that this work, depending on the type of skin and the detergent, may also lead to dry skin. If you feel dry and stretched after washing, your detergent is probably too strong for this method or your skin cannot tolerate it. To find out which of these two factors play a greater role, you can get a milder detergent or reduce the washing time and then evaluate the result.
You don’t need any special experience or facilities to perform the 60-second facial washing method. It is better to wet your face with lukewarm water, then massage enough of the mild cleanser you have on your skin. Both doctors interviewed by HuffPost recommend using this method at night because it’s the best time to cleanse the skin, and with a serum and moisturizer, it can also provide a good platform for rest and regeneration.
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