Diet During Pregnancy: Healthy Diet For Pregnant Women

Diet During Pregnancy: The food consumed affects the whole body including blood, cells and hormones. If you decide to get pregnant, it is better to fix your eating habits and improve it faster.
A proper diet can be effective in your and your partner’s fertility and make you go through a smooth and comfortable pregnancy. In this article, you can learn about foods suitable for pregnancy.
Diet During Pregnancy
1. Consumption Of Vegetables And Fruits
Diet During Pregnancy, Vegetables and fruits are natural multivitamins that are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also a rich source of anti-free radical substances and antioxidants.
Free radicals are dangerous molecules that may enter the body in various ways, from sunlight to car smoke, and cause damage to ovaries, sperm, and reproductive organs. Consuming brightly colored vegetables and fruits such as red peppers and cabbage are affordable sources of nutrients. The brighter their color, the more nutrients they contain. Try to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day.
Diet During Pregnancy
2. Fish Consumption
Diet During Pregnancy, If reports of high mercury levels have put you off eating fish, now is the time to reconsider. Fish has an essential fatty acid called omega-3, which your body needs to have proper reproductive power, and marine food sources are considered the best source.
Omega-3 is not only essential for the development of the baby’s brain and eyes, but also has other benefits for pregnancy, including reducing the risk of premature birth, reducing the risk of preeclampsia and improving depression.
Because your body does not produce omega-3, it is necessary to consume foods that contain it. Omega-3s are found in a wide variety of seafood, but keep in mind that non-vegetable omega-3s contain long-chain fatty acids that plant-based omega-3s like walnuts and flaxseeds do not.
Diet During Pregnancy, However, it is still difficult to rule out concerns about mercury contamination in seafood. Mercury is toxic to developing fetuses and can remain in a woman’s bloodstream for more than a year, but the good news is that not all fish contain the same amount of mercury. Women trying to get pregnant can eat two servings a week of low-mercury seafood, such as shrimp or cold-water or river fish, or farmed fish such as whitefish, salmon, sardines.
Note that the smaller the fish, the more likely it is to have received less mercury. If you don’t want to eat fish, you can take fish oil supplements, but talk to your doctor about how much you should be taking.
Diet During Pregnancy
3. Increased Iron Consumption
Diet During Pregnancy, Maximize your body’s iron stores before becoming pregnant, especially if you’ve had heavy menstrual bleeding. Menstrual bleeding is a permanent cause of iron loss. Start taking iron now, because when you become pregnant and your baby begins to absorb minerals from your body, the body cannot maintain its iron stores. Compounding the problem is that if you have low iron stores at the beginning of pregnancy, you are at risk of postpartum anemia.
This problem occurs to most women who have just become a mother and causes the level of red blood cells to decrease to less than the normal value, which causes lethargy in the person.
Diet During Pregnancy, If you don’t eat enough red meat or are a vegetarian, take a multivitamin with iron, and to be sure, ask your doctor to check for anemia as part of your prenatal tests. Taking iron supplements along with vitamin C, which is present in orange juice, can be effective in its good absorption.
Diet During Pregnancy
4. Adequate And Appropriate Protein Intake
Diet During Pregnancy, Protein is a very essential part of the diet. But many people depend on beef and chicken to get the protein they need. Experts are of the opinion that daily consumption of meat along with vegetable proteins or dairy products such as beans, peas, soybeans or its cheese and nuts can increase fertility. These choices are usually lower in fat and calories than meat or poultry and help maintain a healthy weight.
Diet During Pregnancy
5. Compensating For The Lack Of Vitamins
Diet During Pregnancy, It is very difficult to get all the nutrients needed to improve fertility from food alone. You can do this by taking prenatal vitamins or taking regular multivitamins. Although prenatal vitamins provide important and needed nutrients, they can be more expensive, and because they contain more nutrients than regular multivitamins, your stomach may struggle to absorb them.
Some experts have suggested taking prenatal vitamins right before bed to make your stomach less upset. In any case, consult your doctor to take vitamin tablets and multivitamins during pregnancy and ask him to prescribe the amount you need.
Diet During Pregnancy
6. Limit Caffeine Intake
Diet During Pregnancy, There are different results regarding the effect of caffeine on fertility. Most experts agree that low caffeine consumption, i.e. less than 300 mg per day or about two cups of coffee, will not affect pregnancy. But if you are having trouble getting pregnant or are in the process of IVF, it may be better to cut back on caffeine.
Until science has definitively stated that caffeine consumption will not affect your pregnancy, it is better not to risk it. Also, the consumption of tea, coffee and soft drinks can have a negative effect on the ability of your fetus to absorb iron and calcium, so it is better to avoid it during pregnancy.
Diet During Pregnancy, Keep in mind that stopping caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks can cause severe headaches. Therefore, if you have decided not to consume beverages containing caffeine, it is better to do this gradually; in such a way that every day you reduce some amount of your consumption. Once you get used to caffeine-free life, a glass of hot milk may be a good substitute for coffee or tea, and the calcium in milk will also be good for you.
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