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Can We Reverse The Aging Process Of The Brain?

Aging Process Of The Brain: A healthy diet, physical and mental activity, as well as adequate and beneficial sleep play an important role in brain health.

Most of us have heard that our lifestyle can help us stay healthy longer. Scientists are now asking whether new technologies can help slow the aging process by tracking the changes that occur in the brain as we age.

Aging Process Of The Brain, The BBC World News Service answers this question in a report. One of the reporters of this news agency, Lara Lewington, visited Marieke, a 76-year-old Dutch woman, and her husband in Loma Linda, located east of Los Angeles. Loma Linda is one of the few important regions in the world whose inhabitants live longer compared to other regions of the world. These areas are known as “blue areas”.

Aging Process Of The Brain, Residents of this area do not consume alcohol or caffeine, follow a strictly vegetarian and vegan diet, and it is their religious duty to take care of their bodies in the best possible way. Dr. Gary Fraser of Loma Linda University says that not only do these people live longer, but they are also healthier, meaning that the amount of time they spend in good health is four to five years longer for women in this area and seven for men. Sal is more than women and men of other regions.

Aging Process Of The Brain, There is no complicated or strange mystery about Loma Linda. The residents of this area live a really healthy life, their minds are active and they value and respect their religion. Also, lectures on healthy living, gatherings for music and sports classes are held there continuously. According to one of the residents of this area, who lives in a nursing home with 112 other people, socialization is very necessary for the brain, and the brain shrinks and dies without it. Science has long confirmed the benefits of social interactions and avoiding isolation.

But now, with the help of scientific advances, it is possible to find out whose brain is aging faster than its normal routine, so by following it, we can provide more suitable preventive treatment in the future.

Aging Process Of The Brain

Aging Process Of The Brain

Aging Process Of The Brain, Andrei Irimia, associate professor of gerontology and computational biology at the University of Southern California, reported on computer models that assess how the brain ages and predict its deterioration.

Aging Process Of The Brain, The report states that he built these models using MRI scans and data from 15,000 brains and the power of artificial intelligence to understand the path of two brains that have a healthy aging process, as well as brains in which there is a disease process such as dementia.

Pointing to the difficulty of examining these patterns for humans, he said that artificial intelligence can analyze these data and estimate the age of the brain based on this. Private companies have also started commercializing this technology.

Aging Process Of The Brain, The increase in life expectancy in the last 200 years has led to an increase in old age diseases, including dementia. Professor Irimiya says that researchers are looking for a way to reverse dementia. Scientists, doctors and even the same water areas inform about the importance of lifestyle. Proper diet, physical activity, as well as having a happy and active mind, play a vital role in brain aging.

Aging Process Of The Brain, Matthew Walker, professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California and author of the best-selling book “Why We Sleep”, also points to the important factor of sleep. He emphasizes that “sleep is the only effective way that can be done every day for the health of the brain and body.”

“All mental functions are amazingly improved by sleep and are clearly impaired when you don’t get enough sleep,” he says. Referring to the cleansing of the brain during sleep, he says that beta-amyloid and tau proteins, the two “primary causes of dementia,” are lost in this cleansing process. According to him, tracking changes in sleep patterns, which generally begin at age 30, can be a good way to prevent dementia in the future.

Aging Process Of The Brain, Another factor that causes dementia is depression. Accordingly, the treatment of this mental disorder and its follow-up are very important. Of course, researchers in the field of brain aging process and how to slow down this process are still researching and investigating, and they hope that with the help of new technologies, new frontiers in this field will be opened for humans.

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