How many horses can you see in this mind-boggling optical illusion snow scene?

How many horses can you see: A MIND-boggling optical illusion that appears to show horses on a mountain top has caused a row between the painter and scientists – but who’s right?
Optical illusions typically cause a stir online but a recent painting said to show several horses on a mountain top has caused a feud between its creator and a bunch of scientists – but how many can you see?
How many horses can you see
Bev Doolitte’s portrait of five patch-skinned horses standing together on a snow ledge has been a mainstay on the National Institute of Environmental Health Services’ (NIEHS) website for a while now.
In it, what appears to be four white and brown horses and a foal are bunched together and blend into the brown rock and snowy background, giving the picture an optical illusion.
But scientists say Doolitte’s image actually has seven horses and not five, as its creator claims.
According to the group, the picture is of made of seven horses including some partial horses like a horse head and rear.
If you can’t see seven then maybe this humorous note from one of the NIEHS‘ own scientists might help.
” I see one on the left looking out, and in the middle four faces are clustered close together – in that group the brown nose of one (second from left) covers the right side of the face of the one crouched lowest.
“To the right is a small horse standing sideways, and above it is the rear of the seventh. Unless I am hallucinating.”
If you still can’t see seven then rest assured by the fact you’re among the many who believe the real number shown in the picture to be five.
But the illusion quickly went viral on social media after users were left perplexed by the “trippy” image with the task appearing more difficult then it first appeared.
Dev Doolitte claims there are five horses, but scientists say there are sevenCredit: Bev Doolitte/National Institute of Enviromental Health Sciences.
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Benefits of Optical Illusions
Entertaining and Fun
First of all, optical illusions can be fun. This can reduce stress, improve your mood and enhance relaxation.
Exercising The Brain
Research has shown that by exercising the brain, neural pathways are maintained, or enhanced. Such brain exercise can help to improve student alertness and performance on exams. There are therapeutic benefits to people with developmental disabilities as a brain therapy. There also is research indicating that symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease may be reduced and regression slowed through brain exercises.
Optical illusions also can challenge our perceptions and cognitive abilities, helping to improve our mental acuity and cognitive flexibility.
They can be used therapeutically to help people with certain conditions, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), to improve their visual perception.
Given these benefits of visual illusions, what are the detriments? Some people may experience dizziness or eye strain, but the most common disadvantage is just frustration. After all, sometimes it can be tricky to find the illusion or hidden image.
Overall, optical illusions can be a fun way to engage with our visual perception and enhance our cognitive abilities.
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