Never Been In A Relationship: 10 Tips For Dating Someone Who Never Been In A Relationship

Never Been In A Relationship: It’s quite shocking when someone says ‘I’ve never been in a relationship’. When people are so outgoing and don’t hesitate to date, expecting someone to never have been in a relationship seems like an alien thought.
However, there are people who actually have never had any relationship. It’s not that they’re incapable of having so or didn’t find the right person, it’s rather either they were too busy with their life or never felt the need for it.
In either way, to get into a relationship with someone who has never been in a relationship is quite difficult. They don’t have any idea of what happens when you’re in a relationship, the compromises and adjustments you do and most importantly, how to deal with the heartbreak, if any.
So, we bring to you a quick guide that will help you dating someone who has never been in a relationship
1. Communication
It is necessary that you keep the communication clear and unbiased. They’ve never been in a relationship and might not understand the importance of clear communication. You’ve to guide them up with this and tell them what they should keep in mind and how the communication plays a vital role in it. Make sure you keep the communication going without any glitch or interference. Be their guiding torch and show them the path to be in a successful companionship.
2. Be direct
Never Been In A Relationship, The person you’re dating has never been in a relationship. Expecting them to understand the unsaid gestures and signs is too much. So, you have to be direct with them and drop the ‘they should know about it’ act.
They’re unaware about the entire thing and should be told each and every thing. You have to make them understand the hidden meaning behind gestures and other things.
However, you have to make sure that you’re not being aggressive to them.
3. Appreciate their gestures
Never Been In A Relationship, The one you’re in love with will surely show some love gestures toward you. There might come a time when they would overdo things, or they might under perform.
In either case, you have to appreciate their efforts. You have to make them understand that small gestures matter the most in a relationship over big and extravaganza performances.
4. Guide them on boundaries
Certainly, boundaries are to be adhered to when you’re in a relationship. For a person who has never been in a relationship it might be too much to understand the importance of boundaries.
Never Been In A Relationship, They may come along with a thought that boundaries are not needed for two individuals in a relationship. You must make them understand them and tell them to respect it.
5. Ignore a few side talks
When a person who has never been in a relationship finally gets into one, their peers often would be overwhelmed and might poke their nose from time to time. It will be quite irritating to deal with such people, but you must understand them and learn to ignore them.
Never Been In A Relationship, Also, if you think it is getting too much for you to handle, just make your partner understand about it and ask them to speak to their friends as well.
6. Don’t let them dwell on the doubts about themselves
Never Been In A Relationship, When a person who never been in a relationship suddenly gets into one, they have a self doubt. They may question, ‘Why I have never been in a relationship?’ or ‘Why this person is in relationship with me?’ Their self doubts may put you in an uncomfortable spot and you might get irritated with this.
However, what you must understand that you should learn to ignore these things. They’re in a relationship for the first time. It’s too much for them to accept hence self doubt. So take it with a pinch of salt.
7. Control ego
When you’ve been in a relationship, you understand that ego at times can ruin the entire beautiful emotion one has. What may come along with you is an ego that you know a lot of things and your partner doesn’t.
Never let the thought that ‘my boyfriend has never been in a relationship’ or ‘I am an expert in a relationship’ bother you.
Never Been In A Relationship, These things can sabotage your beautiful relationship and might give them a scar that might be hard for them to deal with.
8. Learn to fight
Never Been In A Relationship, Fights are normal in a relationship. What changes is that your partner is not aware of how fights are in a relationship. With every individual, the pattern changes and the maturity to deal with the situation changes as well. So, you have to learn or relearn how to have arguments or fights.
9. Future talks
You may suddenly find yourself in an awkward situation when your partner starts talking about future plans. The person who never been in a relationship isn’t aware that one takes things slow in a relationship and let time decide what it has to offer.
Never Been In A Relationship, So, instead of panicking, tell them the reality and help them understand that future is not in your hand to decide. Teach them to go with the flow.
10. Display of PDA
Public Display of Affection may work with someone while other may find it over the top. It is necessary that you talk about this to your partner. They might be over excited to be in relationship and may want to display their love to you in public places as well.
You must make them understand what works and what doesn’t. Guide them in this.
These 10 pointers should help you navigate through a new relationship smoothly with a person who hasn’t dated anybody ever. It won’t take much time for your partner to understand how things work in a relationship. So, you won’t have to trouble yourself thinking about this too much for too long.
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