Gardening Picture Brain Teaser: Only Geniuses Can Spot All 5 Mistakes In This Gardening Picture. Can You?

Gardening Picture Brain Teaser: There are 5 mistakes in this gardening picture that can only be spotted by geniuses. Will you be able to find them? Test your skills here.
Brain Teaser IQ Test
Gardening Picture Brain Teaser, Are you looking for a quick way to measure your IQ, but don’t want to go through the enormous questions that are typically asked in an IQ test?
If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place.
Today, we have found yet another exciting and fun brain teaser for you that will test your logic and IQ.
Are you ready for the challenge (and the fun) to begin?
Shall we?
Brain Teaser IQ Test: Can You Spot All 5 Mistakes In This Gardening Picture?
Gardening Picture Brain Teaser, Look at the brain teaser posted below.
Source: Bright Side
Gardening Picture Brain Teaser, In the picture above, you can see a pretty view of a garden. There is a plethora of pretty shrubs and flowers in the garden. You can also see a lady collecting pretty flowers from her garden. Behind the lady is a swimming pool with crystal clear blue water.
If you look closer you will also find 5 things that should not be in the picture.
Can you spot all 5 mistakes in this brain teaser?
We believe you can, so let’s make this a little bit more challenging.
You only have 15 seconds to spot all 5 mistakes in the picture.
Are you ready?
Your time starts now!
Meanwhile, here is a fun fact for you.
Did you know that the oldest living being in the world is a tree?
Yes, you read it right! It’s a tree.
Gardening Picture Brain Teaser, The Great Basin bristlecone pine, also known as Methuselah, is believed to be the oldest living being in the whole world. The tree which is located in eastern California is around 4,853 years old. Looking at the timeline, scientists and historians have established that Methuselah has been around in the world from the time the ancient Egyptians built the Giza pyramids.
Fascinating, right? There are many things we don’t know about our world or universe, and it is intriguing to learn whatever we can about them.
Now, coming back to our brain teaser.
Have you spotted all of the mistakes yet?
We sincerely hope you have because we are going to reveal the brain teaser answers now.
Gardening Picture Brain Teaser, If you need more time to solve it, you can take it. The answers are right below, so if you have really given up, then scroll down to see the answers.
Brain Teaser Answers
Gardening Picture Brain Teaser, In this brain teaser IQ test, you had to spot 5 mistakes in this picture of gardening. If you were unable to spot them, then fret not, we are going to reveal them.
1.Look at the bicycle and its front tyre. The tire on the front is not a tire, but a balloon wrapped around the cycle to look like a tire.
2.Look at the lady and what’s in her right hand. If she is collecting flowers, then why is she holding a book in her hand when she’s not reading it?
3.Look at the lady again, near her knees. You can see the soil has been dug out. 4.The question is, how? The lady has no tools to dig the soil in her garden.
5.Look at the bushes to the right. You can see a tiny pineapple there. But, pineapples do not grow on bushes.
When you look right above the bushes, you can see a… Crocodile? Gharial? Alligator? (what exactly is it?) looming there, ready to attack.
Source: Bright Side
We hope you liked this brain teaser.
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