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Colon Cancer Treatment: Regular Use Of Aspirin May Reduce The Risk Of Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer Treatment: The results of the research showed that taking aspirin had more benefits in those participants who had a less healthy lifestyle; Specially for those who smoked or had a body mass index above 25.

According to new research, regular aspirin use may reduce the risk of developing colon (colorectal) cancer and may be beneficial for those who lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Colon Cancer Treatment, According to CNN, colon cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide. In 2023, in the United States alone, more than 52,500 people will die of colon cancer and about 153,200 people will be diagnosed with it, and its prevalence is much more common in people under the age of 55. Compared to a decade ago, it has doubled.

Colon cancer may be genetic, but certain factors such as lifestyle, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, alcohol and smoking, and high body mass index seem to increase the risk of colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Treatment, In addition to recommending a healthier lifestyle, doctors emphasize that taking low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of colon cancer. The US Preventive Services Task Force recommended aspirin in 2016, but reversed course in 2022 due to concerns about possible bleeding. Aspirin, of course, may cause digestive problems.

With this change in approach, the authors of the new study decided to investigate this issue and see if there are groups that benefit more from this drug and for whom aspirin is worth the risk and for whom it is harmful.

Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon Cancer Treatment

In the study, published Thursday in the journal JAMA Oncology, the authors analyzed data from more than 107,655 people. However, since most of the participants were white, the authors suggest that their research should be replicated with more diverse populations to see if the conclusions are the same. Participants in the study were followed for at least a decade, and in addition to colon cancer surveillance, surveys were conducted to determine their lifestyle health.

Colon Cancer Treatment, According to the results, regular aspirin users had an 18% lower risk of colon cancer compared to non-users. Aspirin was more beneficial in those participants who had less healthy lifestyles, particularly those who smoked or had a body mass index greater than 25. (Body mass index between 25 and 29 is considered overweight.)

The paper’s lead author and gastroenterologist, Dr. Daniel Sikavy, says that according to the study results, aspirin may reduce the risk of colon cancer somewhat in people with several risk factors. The study doesn’t determine why regular aspirin might be so beneficial, but previous research suggests that aspirin may inhibit inflammatory markers that cause cancer. Experts emphasize that this research has observed the greatest effect of aspirin in people who had the highest risk factors for colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Treatment, They also put a lot of emphasis on lifestyle, saying that you can reduce your risk of bowel cancer by making lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and drinking less alcohol.

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