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Allergy To Peanut: Peanut Consumption In Childhood, Allergy Reduction In Adulthood

Allergy To Peanut: Allergy to peanuts starts very early and during infancy, between 6 and 12 months!

What is allergy? Allergy is a common disease that may occur with different severity in people. Usually, most allergies do not have a definitive treatment, but there are solutions that reduce the severity of this disease. Symptoms of allergies in people may be different:

Allergy To Peanut, nasal congestion and congestion, sneezing, itchy nose, discharge from the nose, itching of the ears or the roof of the mouth, inflammation of the eyes including redness and tearing, skin inflammations that make areas of dry skin red and itchy, hives that The lesions are itchy skin, asthma and difficulty in breathing in the form of shortness of breath, cough and wheezing.

Allergy To Peanut: How Does Allergy Work?

Allergy To Peanut

Allergy To Peanut, When an allergic person inhales or eats an allergenic substance or comes in contact with it through the skin, a series of events occur in his body, which are called an allergic reaction. First, the body begins to produce a special type of antibody that sticks to the allergenic cells. The antibody binds to a type of blood cell called a mast cell.

Mast cells are found in the airways, intestines, and elsewhere. The presence of these mast cells in the airways and digestive system exposes these cells to allergens. Allergen (sensitizer) attaches to IGgE antibody present in mast cells and causes these cells to release various chemicals into the blood.

Allergy To Peanut, One of these substances is called histamine! Histamine causes many allergic symptoms in the body, and for this reason, and anti-allergy drugs are also called antihistamines.

Sometimes allergic reactions become so severe that they are called anaphylaxis. In case of itching, shortness of breath, cough, runny nose and severe sneezing or tingling of the hands and feet and severe redness of the skin of the body, lips, hands and face, you must see a doctor.

Allergy To Peanut, If a person is allergic to a substance, he is more likely to be allergic to other substances in his body, and his chances of suffering from other allergies and even asthma and eczema are higher. Sometimes the allergy in some people is genetic, that is, it is possible that his parents and close relatives are allergic to some substances, which increases the chance of him getting it.

According to a new research in the UK, if children eat peanuts from early infancy, i.e. at the beginning of four months, they are less likely to suffer from peanut allergy as adults.

Allergy To Peanut, According to the New York Post, researchers from King’s College London studied 500 children who were less than 12 years old. They found that children who ate peanut butter or puree by age 5 were 71 percent less likely to develop a peanut allergy.

Michelle F. Huffaker, one of the study’s authors, says that similar results were obtained in another study that only looked at children under 5 years of age, but it’s not clear whether that time is necessarily long enough for lasting immunity to peanuts. The most recent study indicated that 15.4% of children who did not eat peanuts developed an allergy to this food before the age of 12, compared to 4.4% of children who did eat peanuts.

Allergy To Peanut, “Today’s finding can give parents and professionals confidence that children will be protected against peanut allergy if they eat peanuts as recommended during infancy,” Jane Marrazzo, director of the National Institute of Allergy at the US National Centers for Health, said in a statement. They arrive.”  “If we adopt this safe and simple strategy widely, we will prevent tens of thousands of cases of peanut allergy among the 3.6 million children born in the United States each year,” he added.

Gideon Locke, the lead researcher of the study from King’s College University, told CNN that he was not surprised by the results and emphasized: “Peanut allergy starts very early in infancy, between 6 and 12 months.”If you want to prevent this complication, you should think about it before you get it.”

Allergy To Peanut, He further added: “This biological phenomenon is based on the principle of safety, known as the induction of oral tolerance.” “We have known for decades that young mice or other laboratory animals, who have eaten foods such as eggs, milk, or peanuts, will not later become allergic to these foods.”

According to the instructions, a thin layer of peanut butter can be placed in the baby’s mouth or mixed with breast milk, formula or puree. Experts warn that whole or chopped peanuts cause babies to choke. “There are many options, but peanut butter mixed with hot water is good for four-month-olds, and it’s not meant to be anything more than that,” Huffaker says.

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