Nadia Sawalha Snubs Sister Julia After ITV The Masked Singer Amid ‘Feud’

Nadia Sawalha: Nadia has failed to acknowledge her sister Julia’s stint on The Masked Singer after Julia, 55, was unmasked as Bubble Tea on Saturday’s episode.
Nadia has failed to acknowledge her sister Julia’s stint on The Masked Singer after Julia, 55, was unmasked as Bubble Tea on Saturday’s episode.
Nadia Sawalha Snubs Sister Julia After ITV The Masked Singer Amid ‘Feud’
Nadia Sawalha, Nadia Sawalha has snubbed her estranged sister Julia as she exits ITV the Masked Singer. ITV panelist Nadia has failed to acknowledge her sister Julia’s stint on The Masked Singer after Julia, 55, was unmasked as Bubble Tea on Saturday’s episode.
The siblings have had a long-running feud. Instead, Nadia took to social media and chose to take to her Instagram Story today (Sunday) to tag her Loose Women colleagues Kaye Adams and Jane Moore into a humorous meme.
Nadia Sawalha, After Julia was born, Nadia was forced to live apart from her family and previously recalled feeling jealous of her younger sister’s bond with their parents. She said: “When my mum had Julia, I was so excited I kept wanting to pick her up and cuddle her.
Nadia Sawalha, “My mum, who was a bit postnatal, got scared and sent me to her mother’s. Julia was a beautiful baby and everyone was crazy about her, so my sister Dina and I were a bit jealous. And as she grew up she was very much ‘Daddy’s little girl’.”
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