8 Ways To Live A Simple Life And Be Happy

Ways To Be Happy: Living simply and living happily – what’s the connection between the two? The first is actually necessary for the second. If you want to live happily, live simply. This complex world has a crazily fast pace where people tend to get lost. They become unhappy because they no longer know what makes them happy. The first step to regaining what was lost? Live simply. Here are 8 ways to live a simple life and be happy:
1. Remove the clutter in your life.
Your life might be cluttered with what’s unnecessary, so to live simply and be happy, let go. Let go of people. Who among the people you allowed in your life is actually making you unhappy and are consistently bringing you down? Spot the toxic people in your life and let them go. You don’t need a lot of people in your life; you just need to get the right people on the bus.
In addition, also let go of the people who are really just passers-by in your life. Sometimes, there are people who you thought are for keeps, but they just won’t stay. Don’t take it against yourself. Accept the fact that they can only be with you for a while. Treasure the memories you had together, and be appreciative of what you learned from them. Then, let go.
Ways To Be Happy, Let go of grudges. Yes, there were people who have hurt you, and worse, there are others who don’t even apologize for what they’ve done. It’s enough that they’ve already hurt you. It is too much if you will let the pain linger, and if you will spend your time thinking of ways to get even. Don’t let them take any more of your precious time. Let go.
Ways To Be Happy, Let go of the past. It may be a missed opportunity or a lost love, things that are so hard to get over. However, remember that the past is something you can no longer bring back. The only thing you can do with it is to let go and move forward. Keep all the lessons, but let go.
Letting go can help you unshackle your heart from unnecessary chains that make it heavy.
2. Live your life based on your standards, not the expectations of other people.
Ways To Be Happy, So you bought your new car. Did you make that purchase because you need or want a car, or because it is something people expect you to have? For example, you have a high paying job, so people expect you to have a fancy car and own properties. But, what if you actually don’t want those things? Why will you let others dictate what you want? Other people will always have something to say, so it is pointless to satisfy them. Focus on yourself instead.
3. Appreciate the simple things.
When was the last time you looked up at the trees and appreciated the shade they give you, not to mention the oxygen they provide for free? When was the last time you felt the rain on your skin and appreciated the coolness it gives? All those are free. Appreciate them.
4. Take time to be silent.
Ways To Be Happy, It is in the moments of silence that you can listen to yourself to know what you really want. If you stay clear with your goals and needs, you can live simply based on your own standards.
5. Live simply by avoiding comparisons.
One probable reason why you can’t live simply is that you keep comparing your life to others. For example, you see other people traveling a lot, so traveling also became your goal even when you were actually not interested in it. You see other people always eating in pricey restaurants, so you did the same even when you actually want home-cooked meals. Avoid that trap by clarifying with yourself the things that you really want. If you have them, learn how to be satisfied. Avoid comparing yourself with others.
6. Limit the time you spend browsing the internet and social media.
Ways To Be Happy, In this way, the social media world won’t be able to dictate what you have to become and the internet won’t be able to dictate what you should do. Sometimes, you might feel pressured to live up with the rest of the world. As a result, you get unsatisfied with your life, and you can’t live simply. Stay connected and updated using the internet and your social media accounts, but don’t let them steal you from the real world.
7. Say no to unnecessary spending.
So you go to the mall or an online shopping platform and it seems like you love to buy everything you see. You buy new shoes, new clothes, a new cabinet, a new mattress, and others that are new, and you just can’t seem to stop unless your credit card or your bank account says no.
Ways To Be Happy, Imagine the amount you spent on all those unnecessary things, and imagine what your money can do if you spent them on the things that you really value. Quit this unhealthy cycle by always asking “Do I need this?” before you make a purchase.
8. Catch up with the people who matter and just talk.
Ways To Be Happy, In modern times, catching up and bonding with your loved ones may always require traveling and adventure. Enjoying adventures together with your friends is something that is fun. But, another way of catching up with your friends that allows you to focus on just them is by simply talking. Why not stay at home instead of staying outside? In this way, you can give your full attention to what matters.
You don’t always have to be on the go just so you can say you’re happy. Take a step back from the busy world and realize that living simply can also give you happiness.
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