Blood, Earwax And Tears; Key Health Indicators

Key Health Indicators: To prevent bleeding, the body sends blood clotting factors, namely platelets, to the wound site to fill the cracks and cuts.
Are you tired of your scalp becoming dry and flaky, your ears ringing or your eyes watering, and you don’t understand their philosophy of existence? It is good to know that the types of these unusual and sometimes protective secretions, whose functions do not seem as clear and specific as they should, each have an important role that is often ignored.
Key Health Indicators, Flaking or dry scalp is a very common complication that must be treated in severe cases, but don’t think that it’s because of not following hygiene tips; Because the main reason is not completely clear and the scalp may become dry and flaky due to the use of some hair care products.
What is clear is that these scales and dandruff are made of complex cellular compounds and arise from peeling skin. The outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) consists of a part of dead cells that act as an important protective barrier. These dead cells are easily removed from the skin and replaced with new cells in the process of continuous skin regeneration and growth. Now, if this process happens too fast, the result is dandruff.
Key Health Indicators, The first step is to look for over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoos. Their anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory compounds can treat dandruff because fungus and inflammation are among the causes of flaking and dandruff. These compounds containing selenium and coal tar (coal tar) relieve itching symptoms that are often worse than the scaling itself.
If the first formula doesn’t work, it’s worth trying another formula. Some diseases such as psoriasis and eczema can also be the underlying cause of dandruff and medical treatment may be needed.
Key Health Indicators
Unpleasant-looking Pods That Perform Well
Key Health Indicators, Scabs are the body’s natural reaction to a wound. A cut, puncture or tear in the skin tears the blood vessels around the injury. To prevent further bleeding, the body sends blood clotting factors, namely platelets, to the wound site to fill the gaps. Platelets bind blood cells together to form a clot and stop bleeding, while also preventing the transfer of bacteria from the skin into the circulatory system. When the clot dries, a scab forms.
Scabs can be very annoying, but don’t worry; Their nature requires them to be like this. Scabs sometimes turn yellow instead of red-brown, which is a sign of infection. Redness of the skin around the scab and its spread is another sign of possible infection.
Key Health Indicators, According to CNN, the best way is to resist the temptation to manipulate or pick off the scabs and despite their ugly appearance, take care of them and keep them clean and avoid touching them.
Key Health Indicators
Vomiting Or Eye Discharge
Key Health Indicators, Pus, eye secretions, eye debris, etc., these extra lumps that gather in the corner of the eye in the morning have different names that we all eventually use one of them, but few of us know what exactly this phenomenon is, why it is there. Or, for example, its scientific name is Rheum.
We know that tears soften the surface of the eye and prevent its dryness and pain. It keeps dust away from the eyes and fights infection as a natural antibacterial. But the eyes produce more than tears. Our eyelids have many glands that release a natural oil that allows tears to spread throughout the eye without evaporating.
Key Health Indicators, In addition, it has mucus-secreting glands that, like the nose, produce mucus that traps and removes foreign substances such as dust. Fats and mucus in large amounts can irritate the eyes, which usually disappear with blinking and tears during the day, but at night when the eyes are closed, they stick together and produce this mucus.
Key Health Indicators
Key Health Indicators, The ear mass is not very visible and is felt more than seen. If you have a feeling of blockage and congestion in your ears or vague hearing, it is possible that the mass inside your ears has increased. The scientific name of this wax-like mass is “Cerumen” and it is partially composed of a combination of oil, sweat, and ear canal gland secretions.
Most of the mass of the ear is keratin or the natural protein that hardens the skin, hair and nails. The shed skins combine with ear secretions to produce a brown waxy substance. Fresh, healthy earwax is yellow to honey-brown in color, while older, thicker earwax is darker brown and sometimes even black.
Key Health Indicators, If this earwax is green or red in color, blood or bacteria are probably mixed with it. The presence of foul-smelling secretions or liquid earwax can also be a sign of infection.
Earwax, like other body secretions, prevents waste materials and insects from entering the ear and damaging it. But if it becomes too rigid, it prevents the transmission of sound to the eardrum and weakens the hearing. You should know that nothing thinner than the index finger (with a short nail) should enter the ear canal, and cleaning with an ear cleaner is not recommended. Instead, you can use a little medicinal olive oil available in pharmacies to help soften the earwax and improve the sense of hearing.
Key Health Indicators, With these interpretations, we realize that blood, sweat, tears, earwax and dandruff may sometimes cause problems for us, but we should look at them beyond these minor problems and be happy with their existence, because all of them are for health and taking care of our bodies are vital.
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