2024 Olympic Paris: The Most Calorie-burning Olympic Sports

2024 Olympic Paris: Races like the two 100m sprints, where runners accelerate from zero to five meters per second in less than a second, require a lot of energy.
During the 2024 Summer Olympics, athletes from more than 200 countries will compete in 300 sporting events.
Live Science writes about which Olympic sports burn the most calories: This question can be answered in two ways: one is to consider the total calories consumed during all competitions and the other is to evaluate the highest level of calorie burning and energy expenditure for a specific challenge.
2024 Olympic Paris, Researchers usually calculate the energy expended in the activity by measuring calories consumed per kilogram of body weight per hour (kcal/kg/h). Therefore, if an athlete consumes two kilocalories per kilogram per hour, a person with an average weight of 84 kg who exercises for a full hour will burn 168 calories.
Of course, there are individual differences. Some people use less energy to do the same activity, while some people whose bodies are made up of more fat cells usually burn more calories. A resting adult uses an average of one kilocalorie per kilogram per hour, and any activity requiring more than six kilocalories per kilogram per hour is classified as “vigorous exercise” according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
2024 Olympic Paris
Running Burns More Calories
2024 Olympic Paris, Among all the Olympic sports this year, the two races burn the most calories per hour per kilogram.
Acceleration requires much more energy than running at a steady pace, so races like the 100-meter dash, where runners accelerate from zero to five meters per second in less than a second, require a lot of calories.
2024 Olympic Paris, According to the calculations of Pietro Di Prompero, Professor of Physiology at the University of Udine, Italy, Usain Bolt, the 100 meter world record holder, burns 91.2 kcal/kg/h during the first 0.85 seconds. “In terms of metabolic power, the 100m is definitely the strongest, but in terms of overall energy, the amount of energy expended in two marathons is higher,” he tells LiveScience.
Calorie Burning In Other Olympic Competitions
2024 Olympic Paris, According to a comprehensive review that collected data from hundreds of studies to estimate the calorie burn of activities, cycling races at speeds above 20 miles per hour burned 16.8 kcal/kg per hour. Speed rowing burns 10.5 kcal/kg/h, martial arts seems to burn 10.5 kcal/kg/h.
In the case of swimming, the amount of energy consumed varies according to the type of swimming competition, the level of ability of the athletes and whether the competition is held in the pool or outdoors. According to professional swimmers, breaststroke requires the most energy. After that, butterfly swimming and backstroke are placed, and freestyle swimming or breaststroke is considered the least consuming type of swimming in terms of the amount of energy required.
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