Insomnia Can Turn You Into A Complete Idiot

Insomnia: New research results from Mexican researchers warn that sleeplessness at night increases the risk factor and may even make you slow and dumb.
Are you struggling with not getting a good night’s sleep? The results of new research by Mexican researchers warn that this lack of sleep may even make you slow and dumb.
According to Futurism, by measuring the ability to recognize visual targets of 22 undergraduate students during a five-day period of sleep deprivation, these scientists examined the effect of insomnia on the reduction of attention and quick reaction ability of people. The results of this study have been published in the journal “Experimental Brain Research“.
Insomnia, The students slept normally for the first two days, but then the researchers forced them to go without sleep for 24 hours and then make up for this lack of sleep for two days.
The researchers conducted an experiment called the Rapid Serial Visual Performance, or RSVP, on college students. In this experiment, they had to click on two target numbers on a computer screen that appeared 200 to 500 milliseconds apart, while other numbers appeared on the screen to distract the students.
The purpose of the ARSPV test was to measure students’ ability to search for a second target that appeared quickly, because it is difficult for most people to search for options or items that appear quickly and one after the other. Researchers call this cognitive state of the brain “blinking effect” or attention slip.
Insomnia Treatment
Insomnia, During this experimental period, students’ ability to perform visual quick chain was evaluated. After 24 hours of sleeplessness, the students showed significantly less accuracy in recognizing the target numbers, and at the same time, the duration of identifying the targets increased. People normally detect the effect of blinking between 200 and 500 milliseconds, but sleepy students noticed the effect at a longer time, such as 600 milliseconds.
Basically, lack of sleep reduced the accuracy and attention of students and at the same time caused them to show slow reactions. Of course, the attention span and reaction time of these students returned to normal after the recovery and compensation of 24-hour insomnia.
Insomnia, Carlos Gallegos, the senior author of this study, says: “The most important point is that sleepless nights increase the error rate. Of course, some of these errors are harmless, such as misreading while studying, but others, such as pressing the gas pedal instead of the brake while driving, can be fatal.” That’s why it’s important to know what you’re going to do the day after a sleepless night, because there’s no room for error in some tasks, like driving a truck on the road.
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