14 Sweet Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection + How Should You React?

Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection: Are you confused about how a guy treats you? Not all men are aggressive in winning the heart of the girl they love. Yes, it is possible that he likes you but is afraid of rejection, so he remains passive. So, in the early stage, he chooses to be a good friend to you.
If you want to find out the clear signs that a guy likes you but is only hesitant, you can check out the following signs:
Very Nice to You
1. He is Quick to Offer You Help.
One of the most common signs that a guy is attracted to you is his constant volunteerism. If he likes you but is afraid of rejection, he cannot freely express his feelings. Therefore, he will content himself with helping you in any way he can, hoping you will be impressed. He subconsciously thinks that with everything he does to help, you will eventually see his value.
2. He is Always a Gentleman to You.
Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection, Another hint of his hidden attraction is how he treats you like a princess. He serves you in many ways and is always a gentleman. While this can be his nature, you can always feel that he gives you a special favor. He goes the extra mile just to make you feel safe and cherished.
3. He is Careful with Words Whenever You Talk.
This guy wants to impress you with how he speaks. He wants you to think that he got great ideas and stories. For this reason, he is cautious in responding to your questions and choosing the right words. He is afraid that you will be turned off by something he says.
4. He Has Good Things to Say About You.
Whether he talks to you or other people, there is always a compliment for you. He loves to praise your looks, traits, performances—just everything. He will also let you know that he appreciates what you do for him and other people. Well, this should give you a hint of how he adores you.
5. He Thanks You Even for Small Things.
Aside from his unlimited compliments, you can say that he likes you but is afraid of rejection through his bottomless gratitude. Since he cannot directly confess his feelings, he is content with letting you know how much he appreciates you. He thanks you for your smiles, small talks, and coffee breaks.
6. He is Thoughtful.
Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection, Not all guys are thoughtful, especially towards people who do not matter to them. So, if this man remembers your birthday well and gives you presents each year, it is clear that you are important to him. Moreover, he may even send you snacks, vitamins, or your favorite coffee from time to time.
Gets to Know You More
7. He is Interested Whenever You Talk About Yourself.
Do you notice that he is very interested to hear your stories? And when you tell him something about yourself, does he listen excitedly? If yes, it is because he wants to know you more, hoping he will find clues on how he can make you like him.
8. He Listens to You Attentively.
Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection, Even if you are talking about other things, he does not lose focus. He always listens with full attention. You can tell that he is interested in everything you say. And if you ask him later, he can remember all the details he heard. That is how keen he is on everything about you.
9. He Asks About Your Likes and Dislikes.
Is he fond of asking you about your interests? Does he ask you what you like about other people and turns you off? This also shows that he is very interested in knowing your ideal partner. He wants to study your likes and dislikes, hoping it will give him an idea if he has a chance with you or not. Plus, he wants to know how he can adjust his attributes to fit your ideals.
10. He Befriends Your Friends.
Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection, Since he does not want to be so obvious in his attraction toward you, he draws close to other people who know you well. He makes friends with your buddies, trying his best to win their trust. Little by little, he asks them for details about you. He may even ask them for help to win your heart in the long run.
11. He Asks His Friends to Get to Know You.
Of course, he will ask for help from his close friends too. Since he does not want to be so obvious in finding out more things about you, he asks his friends to befriend you. Even if you do not have proof of this now, you can tell this is true if his friends are suddenly sending you friend requests or saying “hello” and stopping by for small talks.
Improves Himself
12. He Upgrades His Wardrobe.
Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection, Is this guy suddenly conscious about his appearance lately? Has he changed his fashion style and now wears smart and attractive outfits? Of course, you should not assume that it is because of you, but it can be a clue, together with the other signs.
13. He Changes His Hairstyle.
Aside from his clothes, has he recently got a new hairstyle? If yes, he is really after complete transformation. He wants to look dashing, and it could be because of you. And what is the sign that he did it for you? He asked for your comment or reaction to his new hairdo.
14. He Starts Going to the Gym.
Signs He Likes You But Is Afraid Of Rejection, And have you heard that he is already going to the gym? If he is taking workouts seriously, it means he is determined to be the best version of himself. If he likes you but is afraid of rejection, this is the first move he needs to be confident enough to approach you.
How Should You React?
If you think this guy is into you and he is doing everything to be the best for you, he deserves a chance. You are probably upset that he has not confessed his feelings for you yet, but just give him time to prove himself. It is possible he likes you but is afraid of rejection, so he is taking his time to be worthy of a chance.