Seasonal Eating Can Be Beneficial For Health

Seasonal Eating: Local produce usually has more nutrients because it is processed naturally and consumed immediately after picking.
The Associated Press reports that Anna Fianaca, an 89-year-old vegetarian from Sicily, owes her health to a seasonal diet, as she focuses more on seasonal foods throughout the year. Eating seasonally is an easy step toward a better eating pattern because it is effective in reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity, and other diseases. Among these foods are fruits and vegetables that ripen in different seasons.
Seasonal Eating
Why Is Seasonal Diet Better?
Seasonal Eating, “Choosing foods that are plentiful at the market each month is a good way to start a seasonal diet because they contain lots of vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates,” says Gray, who runs a healthy cooking workshop for low-income people, according to the Associated Press.
They make it available to us. In New England, USA, summer tomatoes, berries, and peaches give way to fall pumpkins and squash, all of which are rich in antioxidants and fiber. “Also, seasonal foods taste better.”
“Eating seasonally is kind of like eating local,” says Cleveland Clinic nutritionist Julia Zumpano. Local products usually have more nutrients because they are processed naturally and people consume them immediately after they are picked.
Seasonal Eating, “This allows people to get the most vitamins and minerals, polyphenols and antioxidants, which reduce the risk of disease.” Sean Heffron, a cardiologist, also says that you need to have a game mind to change your diet. He advises people to go beyond broccoli and other vegetables and eat a wider variety of fruits and vegetables.
The advice of experts is to go to the local markets and take advantage of what is cheaper in each season. However, experts warn that seasonal feeding is not the only way, and some studies have shown that people in colder regions face nutrient deficiencies in winter. Therefore, eating healthy and consuming all the nutrients is necessary to maintain health.
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