A Complete Guide For Walking During Pregnancy

Walking During Pregnancy: Walking is a type of aerobic activity that doctors recommend to most pregnant women. Because it is safe and effective on the other hand, it does not need facilities.
In this article from Chashmak Mag, we discuss the benefits and harms of walking during pregnancy and how to do it. Stay with us.
Is It Good To Walk During Pregnancy?
Walking During Pregnancy, Experts recommend healthy pregnant women to exercise 150 minutes a week. This amount of exercise can be divided into five 30-minute sessions of moderate intensity physical activity such as walking.
Walking during pregnancy is considered a safe activity because it does not damage muscles and joints. It also does not increase the likelihood of serious complications such as low birth weight, premature birth or miscarriage in most women.
What Are The Most Important Benefits Of Walking During Pregnancy?
Walking During Pregnancy, Exercising during pregnancy may not always seem glamorous and fun, especially if you struggle with morning sickness. However, an active lifestyle has many benefits and will help you feel better in the long run.
Walking During Pregnancy, According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), walking prevents gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. It can also reduce the need for cesarean delivery. Other benefits of walking include the following:
Maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy
Keeping muscles strong and reducing back pain
Regulation of bowel movements and prevention of constipation
Maintaining the health of the heart, lungs and blood vessels
Mood improvement
Apart from walking, yoga during pregnancy has many benefits for the mother and fetus. Other beneficial activities include: swimming and using a stationary bike.
Walking During Pregnancy: How To Start Walking During Pregnancy?
Walking During Pregnancy, The question “When is the best time to walk during pregnancy?” Or “Walking in pregnancy should start from what month?” It is raised by many women. In response, we must say that depending on your conditions, you can start walking from the very first month. Of course, you should seek the opinion of a gynecologist before doing this.
Walking During Pregnancy, If the doctor allows you to walk, the next step is to determine your fitness level. This is important to determine the duration of the walk. Here is how to define each level:
Beginner level: You do not exercise at all or rarely.
Moderate: You are active, but you exercise sparingly.
Advanced level: You are in good physical condition and exercise at least four times a week.
Walking During Pregnancy
First Trimester Of Pregnancy (Week 1 to 13)
Walking During Pregnancy, A view of the legs of a woman wearing sports shoes and starting to walk during pregnancy
Walking During Pregnancy, In the first trimester of pregnancy, you may feel nauseous or tired. Therefore, it is important to start your exercise program gradually and focus primarily on sticking to it.
Walking During Pregnancy
1. Beginner Level
Walk for 10 to 15 minutes three days a week. It is better to rest at least one day between each 2 walking sessions.
When you feel ready, add another day to your hike. Also, increase the duration of the walk by five minutes.
After a few weeks, increase the number of walking days to five days a week.
Goal: At the end of the first trimester, you should walk for 10 to 20 minutes five days a week.
Walking During Pregnancy
2. Average Level
Walking During Pregnancy, The more active you are before pregnancy, the faster you can increase the number of walking days to 6 days a week. If your preparation is average:
Walk four times a day for 20 minutes each time.
When you feel ready, add day five and then day six.
You can also increase the duration of each walking session by a few minutes.
Goal: At the end of the first trimester, you should walk 6 days a week and 20 to 40 minutes every day.
Walking During Pregnancy
3. Advanced Level
If you are an athlete, you can start a walking program during pregnancy as follows:
Walk for 20 to 30 minutes five days a week.
If you have enough preparation, add the sixth day and increase the walking time by a few minutes every day.
In addition, you can periodically increase the walking speed or walk on inclined surfaces. But you should not push yourself so much that you get short of breath.
Goal: At the end of the first trimester, your walking should reach 6 days a week and 30 to 60 minutes every day.
Pregnancy from the first week to the last; what happens to the body and fetus
Walking During Pregnancy
Second Trimester Of Pregnancy (13 to 25 Weeks)
Walking During Pregnancy, In the second trimester of pregnancy, you may have more energy and motivation to exercise. Just be careful not to overdo it. Working up a sweat while walking can feel good, but you shouldn’t walk so fast that you’re out of breath or unable to talk.
Walking During Pregnancy
1. Beginner Level
If you start walking from the second trimester, first walk four to five days a week for 10 minutes each time.
When you’re ready, add a day to your hike. Also, choose 2 days and increase the walking time to 15 to 30 minutes.
Goal: At the end of the second trimester, try to walk four to six days a week for 15 to 30 minutes each time.
Walking During Pregnancy
2. Average Level
If starting the walking program in the second trimester of pregnancy, walk 4 to 6 days a week for 20 minutes each time.
Gradually add a few minutes to your walking time every other day; So that you walk at least 30 to 40 minutes on selected days.
If you feel good, increase your walking speed one or two days a week.
Goal: At the end of the second trimester, you should walk 5 to 6 days a week for 25 to 40 minutes each time. Also, walk faster one or two days a week.
Walking During Pregnancy
3. Advanced Level
If you start walking in the second trimester of pregnancy, first walk 6 days a week for 30 to 40 minutes each time.
Increase the walking time to 50 minutes at least one day a week. Additionally, you can periodically increase your walking speed or walk on inclines during the day.
Gradually increase the duration of walking on the other five days of the week; So that you walk at least 40 to 50 minutes each time.
Goal: At the end of the second trimester, try to walk for 40-50 minutes five to six days a week and at least one day a week for 60 minutes.
Walking During Pregnancy
Third Trimester Of Pregnancy (26 to 40 Weeks)
In the third trimester of pregnancy, pay attention to the changes in your uterus and its enlargement. At this time, it may be necessary to walk on flat surfaces instead of steep or uneven ground to avoid falling.
Try to stick to the goal of walking five to six days a week during the last months of pregnancy. However, you can change your schedule if necessary. Changing the schedule is especially important when you are close to giving birth.
Walking During Pregnancy
1. Beginner Level
If you start the walking program in the third trimester of pregnancy, walk four to six days a week for 10 minutes each time.
If your energy is low, reduce the duration of the walk or divide it into several short sessions.
Goal: At the end of the third trimester, try to walk for 15 to 30 minutes five to six days a week.
Walking During Pregnancy
2. Average Level
If you start a walking program in the third trimester of pregnancy, walk four to six days a week for 10 to 20 minutes each time.
Be prepared to reduce the speed and distance of walking as your pregnancy progresses. You may also need to add a day to your rest days.
If you want, you can divide long walking sessions into several shorter sessions.
Goal: At the end of the third trimester, try to walk 5 to 6 days a week for 20 to 45 minutes each time.
Walking During Pregnancy
3. Advanced Level
During the months of pregnancy, you should keep yourself in the last simple activities:
If you started walking in the third trimester, walk 20-50 times four to six days a week.
Don’t strain so much while walking that you can’t talk.
On the first level, break up your walk into shorter sessions.
Goal: At the end of the third trimester, walk five to six days a week, 25 to 50 minutes each time.
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