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The 6 Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency That You Should Know

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: The human body is not able to produce vitamin B12 or cobalamin. That’s why you need to get this nutrient through your diet.

Cobalamin is involved in the construction of DNA and red blood cells and helps maintain the health of the nervous system. Many of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are caused by a decrease in the number of blood cells. In order for different organs to receive enough oxygen and to maintain their health, the body needs a large number of these cells.

Unfortunately, vitamin B12 deficiency is especially common in the elderly. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to many physical and mental problems. In this article from Chashmak Mag. We examine 6 symptoms caused by the lack of this vitamin and talk about the causes of these symptoms and how to treat them. Stay with us.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

1. Tingling Of the Hands Or Feet

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause tingling in the hands or feet. This symptom appears because cobalamin plays an important role in the nervous system and its deficiency causes nerve damage. In the nervous system, this vitamin helps to produce a substance called “myelin”. Myelin is a protective sheath that protects nerves and helps them transmit sensory messages.

In people who are deficient in cobalamin, there may not be enough myelin to cover the nerves and as a result the nerves may be damaged. This problem is often seen in the nerves of the hands and feet, which are called “peripheral nerves”. Peripheral nerve damage leads to tingling in these parts of the body.

Nerve damage is one of the serious complications that result from long-term cobalamin deficiency. However, tingling is a symptom that can have many causes. Therefore, usually the presence of this symptom alone is not a sign of cobalamin deficiency.

2. Pale Skin Is A Symptom Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Pale or yellow skin, called “jaundice,” is one of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Jaundice occurs when your body is unable to produce enough red blood cells. The red blood cells that are moving in the vessels under the skin help to create the natural color of the skin. The lack of these cells makes the skin look pale.

Due to the role of cobalamin in the production of red blood cells, the deficiency of this vitamin causes a decrease in red blood cells or megaloblastic anemia. This type of anemia leads to weakening of red blood cells. As a result, the body breaks them down faster. When the liver breaks down red blood cells, it releases bilirubin. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown substance that causes yellowing of the skin, which is one of the characteristics of jaundice.

3. Weakness And Fatigue

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Megaloblastic anemia is associated with fatigue. The lack of red blood cells causes the body to have trouble carrying oxygen to different organs, which leads to extreme fatigue.

4. Difficulty Walking Is A Symptom Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Over time, peripheral nerve damage caused by vitamin B12 deficiency can cause movement problems. As a result, you cannot walk without the help and support of others. In addition, you may suffer from other problems such as muscle weakness and be unable to maintain your balance. These problems increase your chances of falling.

5. Increased Heart Rate Is One Of The Complications Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

A fast heartbeat can be one of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. If you are deficient in this nutrient, your heart rate may increase to compensate for the decrease in the number of red blood cells. Anemia forces the heart to pump more blood to different parts of the body and do it faster. The body’s purpose for this is to make sure that all organs get enough oxygen.

6. Shortness Of Breath Is A Symptom Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency


Anemia caused by cobalamin deficiency may make you short of breath and dizzy. The occurrence of this problem can be related to the lack of red blood cells and increased heart rate. Anyone who develops breathing problems should see a doctor immediately.

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