Oral Bacteria: The Oral Bacteria That Destroys Cancer Cells

Oral Bacteria: Fusobacterium, found in the mouth, affects head and neck cancers. Researchers have found that a type of bacteria common in the human mouth “melts” certain cancers.
According to new research, people with head and neck cancers who had Fusobacterium showed better results in the treatment process, and scientists say they are amazed by the findings.
Oral Bacteria, These bacteria, which are normally found in the mouth, killed 70 to 99 percent of cancer cells in laboratory studies when they were placed in the vicinity of live cancer cells in a laboratory dish for a few days, Sky News writes.
The researchers also looked at data from the Cancer Genome database on 155 patients with head and neck cancers and found that those with fusobacteria were 65 percent less likely to die.
This apparent advantage of Fusobacterium was surprising, as previous research had linked this bacterium to colon cancer progression.
Oral Bacteria: The Oral Bacteria That Destroys Cancer Cells
Oral Bacteria, This study was carried out by experts from Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College London, as well as with the participation of international researchers. Researchers are currently investigating the exact biological mechanisms behind these findings.
They hope that this finding will help them find a cure for patients with head and neck cancers, including mouth, throat, larynx, nose, and sinus cancer.
Oral Bacteria, Dr Miguel Reis Ferreira, lead author of the study and consultant at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and senior lecturer at King’s College, said: “Basically, we found that when you found this bacteria in cases of head and neck cancer, the outcomes were much better. Another point is that this bacterium can destroy cancer cells in cell culture.”
He added that research shows that these bacteria have a more complex role in cancer than previously known, so that they can actually melt head and neck cancer cells.
Oral Bacteria, However, this finding should be evaluated in light of their known role in worsening cancers such as colon cancer.
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