HPV Virus: The Way Of Transmission, Symptoms And How To Prevent HPV Infection In Women

HPV Virus: HPV is not cancer, but its high-risk types cause cancer. Human papilloma virus or HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide and affects people of all genders, both men and women.
There are more than 100 types of HPV and about 80% of women get this disease once in their life.
HPV Virus, According to VerywellHealth, 9 out of 10 cases of HPV will go away on their own within two years, but some of them can lead to genital warts or cervical cancer, which of course can be prevented with the HPV vaccine.
Genital warts are a symptom of HPV, but only a few types of HPV cause warts. Many types of HPV, including those that lead to cancer, have no specific symptoms; What makes regular screening necessary for early diagnosis of the disease.
HPV Virus, See your doctor if you notice a lump, sore, or unusual growth in your genital area, throat, or mouth. Genital warts caused by HPV may appear as small bumps or clusters of bumps. Also, abnormal vaginal bleeding and the appearance of abnormal cells on the cervix, that is, the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina and can be detected through a Pap smear test, indicate precancerous changes and cancer caused by HPV.
HPV Virus
One of the important ways to detect HPV is to perform routine and special examinations for women, such as a pap smear test. In this method, abnormal cells in the cervix are checked; For this reason, if HPV is detected early, it can facilitate the treatment of cervical cancer.
Screening guidelines recommend that Pap smear testing begin at age 21. People probably do this test from the age of 25 to 65 years.
HPV Virus
How Do Women Get HPV?
HPV Virus, HPV is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact with an infected sexual partner during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. A person with HPV can transmit the infection to another person even if they have no symptoms. This disease may also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus during natural delivery.
Women’s infection with HPV and sexually transmitted diseases in general is still a taboo in some countries, and some sufferers are prevented from follow-up and treatment due to shame. While talking about the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease will help the health of women and their sexual partners a lot.
According to experts, there is no screening for men in this field, and women are tested every three to five years.
HPV Virus, After HPV is diagnosed, its type and whether it is high-risk or low-risk will also be determined. Low-risk HPV is the ones that go away with treatment and over time, but high-risk types of HPV can cause cancer. There are about 12 high-risk types of HPV.
Cervical cancer, the fourth most common cancer in women in the United States and worldwide, is almost always caused by HPV; Which makes screening, early diagnosis and timely treatment critical.
Most HPV infections clear up within 24 months, and the immune system usually fights mild HPV infections. But unfortunately, 10 to 20 percent of high-risk HPV infections do not go away by themselves and may lead to cancer within three to seven years.
HPV Virus, Estimates indicate that the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) prevents 90% of cancers caused by this infection and is also effective in preventing genital warts. Because vaccination is preventative and not curative, health experts recommend that children of all genders be vaccinated around age 11 and before the risk of contracting HPV through sexual contact increases. Of course, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved the injection of the vaccine until the age of 45.
Experts say, HPV is a common and usually asymptomatic sexually transmitted disease that affects people of all genders. In fact, about 80% of people will be infected with HPV during their lifetime without any symptoms.
HPV Virus, According to experts, HPV is not cancer, but its high-risk types are the cause of cancer, so regular screening and tests such as Pap smear help women to detect the disease in time and take measures to treat it.
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