Health and beauty

Hot Summer Days: Five Recommendations To Control Body Temperature on Hot Summer Days

Hot Summer Days: The World Health Organization recommends using a fan only at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius.

In hot summer days, the risk of heatstroke and its consequences increases. In the meantime, some people take measures to escape the heat, which may not always be good for health.

Hot Summer Days, According to the Washington Post, although extreme heat can be controlled, it is one of the main factors in the death of people, and paying attention to the recommendations of experts can help maintain health on hot days.

Hot Summer Days

Drinking Alcohol In Hot Weather Is Dangerous

Hot Summer Days

Alcohol dilates blood vessels and makes the blood more sensitive to very high temperatures. Blood rushes to the surface of the body by separating from the inner core and center of the body, and then returns to the center of the body, raising the body’s overall temperature in the process. Alcohol is also a diuretic and dehydrates the body, and on the other hand, it makes sweating more difficult, and the inability to sweat causes an increase in body temperature.

Hot Summer Days

Eat Foods That Provide More Water To The Body

As the weather heats up, you need to control your eating habits to feel less hot. Experts recommend that you avoid eating heavy meals or fatty and fried foods because they are difficult to digest and increase metabolism and cause the body to heat up.

Instead, eat lighter and more frequent meals. Add foods such as fruits and vegetables to your diet, because most of the water in the body is obtained from them, and that’s why our body is automatically drawn to juicy fruits such as watermelon and cucumber in summer. So make sure you are drinking enough water, because the body will send the wrong message of hunger to the brain due to dehydration.

Hot Summer Days

Be Aware Of The Fans

In hot weather, fans are an effective way to cool the air, provided that the air is not hot and humid. Fans help reduce body temperature by moving cool air over the skin and cause sweating, but this evaporation is impossible in high temperature and humid air. The World Health Organization recommends using a fan only at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius.

Hot Summer Days

Excess Caffeine Increases Body Temperature

Hot Summer Days

According to emergency room physician Jeffrey Camp, too much caffeine produces more heat. Drinks that have a lot of caffeine stimulate activity and make the body warmer, and also dehydrate the body by increasing urine.

Hot Summer Days

Be Careful About The Medicines You Take

Medical professionals advise patients to continue taking prescribed medications daily, but as the temperature rises, the side effects of some medications may cause the body temperature to rise. Antihistamines, weight loss supplements, laxatives, and some other medications affect the way the body regulates temperature. Antihistamines cause constriction of blood vessels near the surface of the skin, limiting heat loss. Weight loss supplements increase heat production, while laxatives dehydrate the body by eliminating waste products, leaving fewer water reserves for sweating and cooling.

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