Health and beautyWeight loss

The 3 Kind Of Foods That Help With Weight Management

Help With Weight Management: Avocados Have High Density, Keeping Us Full and Preventing the Cravings for Unhealthy Snacks That Spike Blood Sugar and Add to Belly Fat.

While weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and similar medications have gained significant demand, New York Post has cited Dr. Taz Bhatia, who introduced three foods that, according to him, can be effective in a weight-loss regimen.

3 Kind Of Foods That Help With Weight Management

1. Avocado

Help With Weight Management

Help With Weight Management, Avocados are rich in MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides), omega-3, and omega-9. MCT oil is a type of saturated fatty acid composed of medium-chain triglycerides, which are easier to digest than other fats. Omega-3 and omega-9 are well-known healthy fats that support heart health.

Additionally, avocados have a high density, keeping us full and reducing the likelihood of reaching for unhealthy snacks that only spike blood sugar and contribute to belly fat accumulation.

Help With Weight Management, A study from July 2022 also showed that consuming one avocado per day positively impacts body weight and belly fat. Other research has indicated that people who regularly eat avocados are significantly less likely to gain excess weight than those who do not.

2. Berries

Help With Weight Management

Help With Weight Management, According to Dr. Bhatia, various types of berries are packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and improve overall oxidation in the body. Oxidation is a process in which the body’s cells use oxygen to produce energy. This process plays a role in all cellular activities and leads to the production of free radicals. If free radicals accumulate in excess, they can cause inflammation and cellular damage. The antioxidants found in foods like berries help neutralize these free radicals and minimize their harmful effects.

Additionally, berries are relatively low in calories and fat. Compared to other sweet snacks, they contain carbohydrates that support gut health.

Help With Weight Management, A 2018 study found that consuming 600 grams of blackberries daily for one week improved fat-burning and insulin resistance in overweight or obese men.

3. Chia Seeds

chia seeds

Help With Weight Management, According to Dr. Bhatia, chia seeds are “high in fiber and healthy fats,” which help keep us full for longer. Just one ounce (about 28 grams) of chia seeds provides 35% of our daily fiber needs, and because they expand in the stomach, they contribute to a feeling of fullness.

Chia seeds are also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants. A 2024 study found that consuming 30 grams of chia seeds daily for six months led to a significant reduction in waist circumference in overweight adults.

Help With Weight Management, You may have noticed a common pattern among these three foods. As Dr. Bhatia explains, “The pattern is clear here—fiber, fat, and protein in these foods all influence satiety and how much food we consume.”

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