Health and beautySkin and hair care

Greasy Hair Treatment: The Best Seven Ways To Get Rid Of Greasy Hair

Greasy Hair Treatment: If your hair is thin and straight, you probably struggle with oiliness. Curly hair is usually dry and needs more moisture.

Greasy hair may make us not feel good about our appearance; Especially if we don’t know the cause or how to control it.

Greasy Hair Treatment, The website “Healthline” has discussed in an article the factors that cause greasy hair and explained the things that can be done to improve it. Let’s take a look at it together.

Greasy Hair Treatment

1- Apply Shampoo Once A Day

Greasy Hair Treatment

Greasy Hair Treatment, The culprit of hair oil may be the personal hygiene habits of each person. Shampooing too little or too often can make hair greasy. If you have oily hair, you should normally shampoo it daily, but washing more than once a day can overstimulate the sebaceous glands (oil glands of the skin) and produce more oil.

Additionally, it is important to choose a shampoo that is formulated for oily hair. These products are designed to clean the scalp and hair without adding extra moisture. If your scalp has problems such as dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, use shampoos containing zinc pyrithione to kill bacteria and fungi, and shampoos containing salicylic acid to remove excess oil and flakes.

Greasy Hair Treatment

2- Be Gentle With Your Hair

When shampooing, massage the scalp gently and avoid grabbing the scalp, as this can stimulate the sebaceous glands and cause them to produce more sebum (oil).

The thing you should pay attention to is the complete rinsing of the shampoo. Residual shampoo and conditioner can form a layer on the hair and aggravate the greasy feeling of the hair.

Greasy Hair Treatment

3- Be Careful In Using Softener

The conditioner helps to return moisture to the hair and prevents them from tangling. However, it should be noted that the hair shafts and especially their tips need more care, while the scalp does not need these compounds. Therefore, do not apply the conditioner to your scalp and massage it on the stem and more on the tip of the hair.

Greasy Hair Treatment

4. Do Not Touch Your Hair Too Much

Greasy Hair Treatment

Try not to comb and touch your hair more than necessary. Combing too much can stimulate the sebaceous glands and then produce more oil. By touching the hair, you not only help these oils to spread throughout the hair, but you also add hand oil to them.

Greasy Hair Treatment

5. Use Dry Shampoo

If you prefer to shampoo less often per week, dry shampoo or oil-absorbing powder can help. These products are designed to absorb excess oil, mask odor and add volume to hair.

Greasy Hair Treatment

6. Clean Up

Some products leave a film on the hair over time, even if you wash it. These ingredients may make your hair feel greasy. To remove these extra ingredients, cleansing shampoos are designed to be used once or twice a month.

Greasy Hair Treatment

7. Avoid Products That Add Extra Moisture To The Hair

If you have oily hair, using oily styling products is not a good idea and it is better to use a hair styling spray or foam (mousse) to style them without adding fat and weight to your hair.

Greasy Hair Treatment

What Is The Cause Of Greasy Hair?

Greasy Hair Treatment, The oil in the hair comes from the sebaceous glands attached to each hair follicle. These glands produce an oily substance called sebum that moves to the hair follicle to moisturize the scalp and hair. When these glands don’t work normally, they can cause skin and hair problems. For example, acne occurs when the body produces excess oil, causing dead skin cells to stick together and clog pores.

Another problem caused by excessive sebum is seborrheic dermatitis, which appears as a prominent red spot on the scalp and face.  This raised spot looks greasy and may be scaly and scaly.

Greasy Hair Treatment, Hormones can also cause sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. This is why teenagers often struggle with oily skin and acne. Women may also notice differences during pregnancy or menstruation.

In addition, a person’s body may genetically produce more fat than normal. This issue may change with age, and as age increases, fat production decreases.

Greasy Hair Treatment, It is not without reason that hair care products are different for different hair types. Oil moves more easily in straight hair than in curly hair. So if you have fine, straight hair, you’re probably struggling with oiliness, while people with curly hair tend to have dry hair that needs more moisture because the sebum doesn’t reach the ends of their hair strands.

Scalp oil sometimes needs more work to control and adjust. If you can’t control dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis with over-the-counter products, it’s best to seek help from a dermatologist. They will help you find the root cause of your scalp problems and prescribe medication or skin products if needed.

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