White Noise Device; It Is Not Safe For Children To Sleep With A White Noise Device

White Noise Device: White noise devices may expose children to loud noises that can damage their hearing. New research suggests that white noise devices may not be safe for children to sleep on.
While many American adults increasingly use white noise devices to help them fall asleep at night, it’s no surprise that children may depend on them as well. However, a new study published in the journal Sleep Medicine suggests that many of these devices may be exposing children to sounds that are alarmingly loud and can harm their development.
Unfortunately, the Washington Post has reported that many white noise machines are operating against National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommendations, with some machines being as loud as 91 decibels. While most parents don’t set white noise devices to the loudest volume, this research shows that if white noise devices are left on full volume overnight, it may lead to permanent hearing loss. If the maximum volume level can cause such a risk, setting the device to a lower level will probably cause minor damage, but damage nonetheless.
White Noise Device: It Is Not Safe For Children
Long-term exposure to loud noises can affect the way sensory hair cells work, including inflammatory damage to their supporting structures and hair cell nerve terminals. Sound may lead to the breakdown of cell surface receptor proteins as well as cell death.
Research shows that exposure to high decibel sounds during childhood development can also have a negative effect on physiological and social development. Children who grow up in high-traffic areas—which expose them to the sounds of cars, airplanes, or trains—are more likely to get less sleep and, in addition, to have sleep disorders, behavioral problems, lower reading skills, and brain imaging shows changes in It shows areas related to language development.
However, white noise has been shown to help children and parents, but only at 60 decibels or less, which is equivalent to a quiet conversation. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, limiting exposure to white noise devices to less than 85 decibels for eight hours and 82 decibels for 16 hours can help ear health and reduce the possibility of irreversible hearing damage.
If you’re unsure whether your white noise device meets the organization’s guidelines, use the free NIOSH Sound Level Meter (SLM) app, designed for iPhone. This app acts like a decibel meter that can measure sound safety and sound exposure, and is a handy tool when you’re not sure how to measure sound levels.
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