Your IQ Is Above Average If You Can Find The Thief At The Hospital In 8 Seconds!

Find The Thief: There is a thief at the hospital in this brain teaser puzzle. Can you catch them in just 8 seconds? Let’s put your IQ to the test.
We all get bored at work sometimes and want something to get rid of the monotony. Well, don’t go looking anywhere because we have the perfect solution to keep you entertained and break your monotony.
Yes, the solution to boredom is brain teasers. These puzzles require you to think outside the box and help in improving your lateral thinking. Reading all of these words might make you think that these riddles are boring, but we assure you that they are not. These brain puzzles are so fun that you will never get enough of them. Don’t believe us? Why don’t you take a look for yourself?
Brain Teaser- Spot the thief at the hospital in 8 seconds
Look at the picture below.
Source: 7-Second Riddles
Find The Thief, If you look at the picture above, you will find a man lying on a hospital bed with three nurses tending to him. One of the nurses in the hospital room has stolen a precious item from the patient. Your job is to find out who. All the best!
As you can already tell, you will get only 8 seconds to spot the thief, so do not waste even a single second and get to work.
Find The Thief, When you have run out of time, just scroll down to see the solution.
Brain Teaser Solution
Your job in this brain teaser picture puzzle was to spot the thief at the hospital in 8 seconds. Here is the thief:
Source: 7-Second Riddles
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