Experts Clarify: The Duality Of Happiness And Sadness In A Single Moment

Duality Of Happiness And Sadness: Mixed emotions can play a significant role in major life events, helping us cope with big changes and turn them into valuable, memorable, and beautiful experiences.
Emotions are often defined as states of the mind and body that either draw you towards something or repel you from it, typically categorized as positive or negative. For example, when someone encounters a bear in the forest, physiological reactions like an increased heart rate and rapid breathing occur, leading to a feeling of fear, prompting the person to flee. On the other hand, positive feelings such as being with loved ones encourage a desire to stay and strengthen social bonds.
Duality Of Happiness And Sadness, This tendency to approach or avoid helps explain how emotions evolved and how they influence decision-making, as emotions act as mechanisms that guide us to respond appropriately to dangers or opportunities.
The Duality Of Happiness And Sadness In A Single Moment
However, the combination of conflicting emotions at the same time doesn’t fit into this framework. It’s like when a person feels both happy and sad in a particular situation—for example, during graduation, feeling happy about completing a chapter but also sad about saying goodbye to friends and past experiences. According to traditional theories, these emotions should be experienced sequentially, meaning a person cannot feel both good and bad at the same time. Yet, some research shows that people might indeed experience two opposing emotions simultaneously.
Duality Of Happiness And Sadness, Recent studies have explored how these mixed emotions manifest in the brain and whether people can genuinely feel two conflicting emotions at once. In a report by The Conversation, Anthony Giania Vaccaro, a postdoctoral research associate in psychology at the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences at the University of Los Angeles, explains this phenomenon.
Conventional methods for measuring emotions still regard positive and negative emotions as opposite ends of a spectrum. But researchers have found that participants in studies frequently report experiencing a mixture of different feelings. For instance, people in various cultures often simultaneously experience emotions like nostalgia (accompanied by regret and sadness) and awe (pleasure from seeing something old and admiring it).
Duality Of Happiness And Sadness, One research group found that participants’ physiological responses, such as increased heart rate and skin conductance (a physiological reaction of the skin in certain psychological experiments), followed a pattern during experiences that were both disgusting and humorous at the same time.
In this study, researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine brain responses to disgustingly funny jokes and found that the general brain activity pattern was similar to that seen during a disgust response. In other words, the brain activity of people who felt both disgust and amusement at the same time only reflected the feeling of disgust, with no unique pattern for mixed emotions.
Duality Of Happiness And Sadness
Duality Of Happiness And Sadness, They conducted another experiment to determine whether mixed emotions can form simultaneously in the brain or occur sequentially. This time, participants were placed in an MRI scanner while watching a bittersweet animation about a girl trying to become an astronaut with the help of her father. In the film, the father eventually passes away, triggering mixed emotions in the viewers. After watching the film, participants viewed it again and marked the times when they experienced positive, negative, or mixed emotions.
The results showed that mixed emotions did not produce unique or consistent patterns in deeper areas of the brain, such as the amygdala. Instead, cortical areas like the anterior prefrontal cortex and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex displayed specific patterns for processing mixed emotions. These cortical regions, due to their advanced functions, can integrate different data and allow individuals to genuinely experience mixed emotions.
Duality Of Happiness And Sadness, It’s important to note that mixed emotions can play a crucial role in major life events. They can help us cope with significant changes and turn them into valuable, memorable, and beautiful memories. For instance, hosting a farewell party for friends can replace the sadness of goodbyes with a bittersweet moment that leaves a lasting, more positive impact.
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