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New Study: Daily Vinegar Intake Can Improve Depression Symptoms

Daily Vinegar Intake: “New data supports the theory that consuming vinegar daily for four weeks can improve symptoms of depression in adults without serious health issues.”

Researchers have found that daily vinegar consumption can improve depression symptoms.

According to ScienceAlert, a team led by Arizona State University not only tested the effects of regular vinegar consumption but also examined metabolic activities—the chemical processes that convert food into energy and other biological materials—to uncover the reasons behind the observed benefits of vinegar.

Daily Vinegar Intake, The results showed that the level of nicotinamide (a type of Vitamin B3) in participants who consumed vinegar daily increased by a significant 86%. This nutrient has previously been known for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Daily Vinegar Intake Can Improve Depression Symptoms

Daily Vinegar Intake

Hayley Barong and her colleagues at Arizona State University write: “The new data further supports the theory that daily vinegar consumption for four weeks can improve depression symptoms in adults without serious health issues, and that changes in [Vitamin B3] metabolism may play a role in this improvement.”

Daily Vinegar Intake, In this trial, about 28 overweight adults who were generally healthy participated and were divided into two groups: one group consumed two tablespoons of red wine vinegar twice a day, and the other group took a pill containing a very small amount of vinegar daily.

During the four-week trial, participants were asked to respond to questions from two standard mental health surveys: the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9).

Although no significant differences were observed between the groups in the CES-D survey, the PHQ-9 survey showed an average 42% reduction in depression symptoms in the group that consumed a higher amount of vinegar. In the control group that took the vinegar-containing pill, the reduction was 18%.

Daily Vinegar Intake, However, the study had limitations: the sample size was small, the participants initially had low levels of depression, and in a more detailed secondary analysis of the PHQ-9 that accounted for initial depression severity, the effect was not as large or significant as initially thought. Still, Barong and her team suggest that these findings indicate a need for further investigation into the relationship.

Daily Vinegar Intake

Researchers believe that depression is the most common mental health issue worldwide. Commonly prescribed antidepressants can have serious side effects, and their effectiveness varies, so there is a need for simple and effective complementary treatments.

Daily Vinegar Intake, Studies to better understand depression and all the various factors that can contribute to it—from sleep quality to body temperature—are ongoing. It is clear that depression varies among individuals, and therefore a broader range of potential treatments could be very beneficial.

Researchers emphasize that future studies should examine the effects of vinegar consumption on populations with clinical depression, at-risk individuals, and those taking antidepressant medications.

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