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Side Effects And Symptoms Of Body Fat Deficiency

Body Fat Deficiency: Eating fat is not always harmful, and on the contrary, it is recommended for a group of people, because sometimes the lack of this food in your body causes serious disorders.

It is necessary to eat fat in this situation because it is a symptom of lack of fat in the body

Fat can be found in many nutritious foods including almonds, salmon, avocados, olives, red meat, nuts, cheese and chocolate. Fat not only improves the taste of food, but also has many benefits for the body.

Body Fat Deficiency, Fats are divided into two categories, good and bad. Good fats are related to animal fat such as fish fat and plants such as avocado, olive, etc., and these fats mostly include monounsaturated fats or are unsaturated.

Bad fats are vegetable fats such as soybeans, peanuts, corn, sunflower seeds or canola oil. Now, when you consume little carbohydrates, you can benefit from 60% more of the benefits of healthy and good fats.

Sometimes there are interactions in the body that make you feel very hungry, this feeling means a lack of fat in the body, the symptoms of which we express in this part of moist health under the title of symptoms of lack of body fat.

Body Fat Deficiency, One of the most important benefits of fat is that it keeps us full for a long time. The body consumes carbon and protein quickly, on the other hand, fat calms the digestion of food and provides the required calories.

Body Fat Deficiency

1. If You Feel Very Hungry Immediately After Eating A Meal

Body Fat Deficiency

In this situation, you should add a little source of fat to your food, such as hard-boiled eggs (especially egg yolks), some fruit, wheat, etc.

Body Fat Deficiency

2. If You Feel Tired Quickly

Your body needs fuel for working and physical and mental activity. A lack of fat in the body causes a lack of calories. Fat has 9 calories per gram, which is more important than carbon and protein, which have 4 calories per gram. Lack of fat in the body can limit total calories. As a result, you feel extremely tired.

Body Fat Deficiency

3. Do You Have Joint Pain

The omega-3 fatty acid found in salmon, walnuts, tuna, flax seeds, etc. makes the structure of your cells strong and strong from head to toe. A lack of omega-3 and total body fat causes a lack of joint flexibility and increases joint inflammation, especially for people who are very active.

Body Fat Deficiency

4. You Catch A Cold A lot

A sneeze or a cold may indicate a lack of a substance in the body, which is more than a seasonal sensitivity. Omega-3 fatty acids are closely related to inflammation and immune system health. The lack of fat in the body and the lack of omega-3 weakens the immune system more than usual, as a result, you will catch colds or respiratory infections more than usual.

Body Fat Deficiency

5. Your Skin Becomes Dry And Flaky

If you do not introduce a lot of fat and oil into your body, your body cannot guarantee the smoothness and softness of your skin. One of the biggest signs that tells you that you are not getting enough fat is dry skin with dandruff, which accelerates the appearance of aging. Fat also helps your body absorb soluble vitamins and you can experience glowing skin.

Body Fat Deficiency

6. You Are Mentally Weakened

Following a Mediterranean diet, such as healthy fats from fish and olives, reduces the risk of mental problems. Consuming Omega 3 can make your mind stronger in a short period of time.

Omega-3 fatty acid plays an important role in the activity and structure of the brain and maintains the integrity of brain cells. Unsaturated fats have a protective role because they are a source of omega-3 and omega-6 and play a defensive role against cognitive decline and even deterioration. They have reason.

If you don’t get enough energy, you will be mentally tired and you will hardly be able to concentrate, because the amount of fat in your body is less than normal. Research shows that omega-3 fats are linked to your overall mood.

Body Fat Deficiency

7. Deficiency Of Fat-soluble Vitamins

Body Fat Deficiency

One of the rare cases is the severe deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, which is not usually seen in developed countries. In malnourished people or people who have limited food intake, the lack of fat-soluble vitamins is seen along with many other deficiencies.

Body Fat Deficiency

8. You Always Feel Cold

In general, being underweight may keep the body temperature low. If you don’t have enough healthy fats in your diet, it can lead to your body’s temperature not being regulated, and as a result, you feel cold all the time. Hypothyroidism or poor blood circulation are other reasons for feeling cold in the body. It is better to see a doctor for further investigation.

Body Fat Deficiency

9. Increase In Triglycerides And Decrease In HDL

Low-fat diets, less than 20% of calories, may be associated with increased risk of increased triglycerides and decreased HDL. Also, high consumption of carbohydrates instead of healthy fats can lead to high triglycerides and low HDL.

In the past, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity, less fat and more carbohydrates were recommended, but in modern medical science, it is said that instead of replacing fat with carbohydrates, unsaturated fats should be used instead of saturated fats.

Consuming 35% of calories from fats is ideal, but provided that the fats are from healthy sources such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Body Fat Deficiency

10. The Menstrual Cycle Has Stopped

If the monthly cycle stops, it means that the body has undergone hormonal changes. If the amount of healthy fats by a woman is not enough, her body cannot produce the hormones that regulate menstruation in the necessary amount.

One of the side effects in such a situation is the possibility of increasing osteoporosis. Women who do not have a regular menstrual cycle are likely to experience a decrease in bone density. Of course, a lot of hard exercise can also be effective in stopping the menstrual cycle.

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