What Is Vitamin A? The 7 Best Benefits Of Vitamin A For The Body

Benefits Of Vitamin A: Vitamin A is an important fat-soluble vitamin that supports the health of the immune system, vision, fertility, and fetal development.
Vitamin A plays a vital role in the body. This vitamin is naturally present in foods and can also be obtained through vitamin A tablets. In this article, we will review vitamin A, its benefits, food sources, the effects of deficiency and your frequently asked questions about vitamin A.
What Is Vitamin A?
Benefits Of Vitamin A, Although vitamin A is often considered a food, it is actually a group of fat-soluble compounds including retinol, retinal, and retinol esters. Two forms of vitamin A are found in food.
Preformed vitamin A (retinol and retinol esters) is found exclusively in animal products such as fish, dairy and liver. While pro-vitamin A carotenoids are found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils. To use both types of this vitamin A, the body must convert them into retinal and retinoic acid (active forms of vitamin A).
Vitamin A is fat-soluble and stored in the liver in the form of retinol esters. Other carotenoids in food such as lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin are not converted into vitamin A and are called non-pro-vitamin A carotenoids; which have other important activities besides the formation of vitamin A. Different forms of vitamin A dissolve in the form of micelles in the intestinal tract and are absorbed by the mucosal cells of the duodenum.
The Function Of Vitamin A In The Body
Benefits Of Vitamin A, Vitamin A is essential for the health of the body. Perhaps one of the most well-known roles of vitamin A is its role in eye health and vision. Retinal, the active form of vitamin A combines with opsin protein to form rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is an essential molecule for seeing colors and night vision. It also helps to protect the cornea (the most expensive layer of the eye) and the conjunctiva (the thin membrane covering the surface of the eye and inside the eyelid).
Vitamin A
Benefits Of Vitamin A, In addition, vitamin A is effective in maintaining surface tissues such as skin, intestines, lungs, bladder and inner ear. This vitamin supports the function of the immune system by growing and distributing T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes are a type of white blood cells that protect the body against infection. Vitamin A helps maintain the health of skin cells, male and female fertility, and fetal development.
Properties of vitamin A
1. Vitamin A, A Powerful Antioxidant
Benefits Of Vitamin A, Pro-vitamin A carotenoids such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin are precursors of vitamin A, which have antioxidant properties. Carotenoids protect the body against free radicals that damage the body by producing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Diets rich in carotenoids help reduce the risk of developing these diseases.
2. Vitamin A For Eyes
As mentioned, vitamin A is essential for eye health and vision. Adequate dietary intake of vitamin A helps protect against certain eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Studies show that high blood levels of beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-Cryptoxanthin may reduce the risk of developing AMD by 25%. This risk reduction can be related to the protection of macular tissue by carotenoid nutrients by reducing the level of oxidative stress.
3. Vitamin A And Cancer
Benefits Of Vitamin A, Fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids may protect the body against certain types of cancers due to their antioxidant properties. For example, a study of more than 10,000 adults found that smokers with the highest blood levels of alpha-carotene and beta-Cryptoxanthin had a 46% and 61% lower risk of dying from lung cancer, respectively, than nonsmokers with the lowest.
The amount of intake of these nutrients. In addition, other studies have shown that retinoids may inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells, such as bladder, breast, and ovarian cancer cells.
4. Vitamin A For Skin
The level of retinoids in the skin decreases when exposed to UV rays. A diet rich in carotenoids such as beta-carotene can prevent cell damage, skin aging and skin diseases. Carotenoids can also help protect the skin from environmental factors such as pollution and UV rays from sunlight, and affect the health and appearance of the skin. Retinoids increase skin cell turnover. Therefore, they are effective in improving hyperpigmentation and spots caused by aging and sunlight and in general evening out skin color.
5. Vitamin A For Hair
Benefits Of Vitamin A, Vitamin A is essential for cell growth, which in turn helps hair growth. Skin glands also use vitamin A to produce sebum. Sebum keeps the scalp moist and the hair healthy. Retinoic acid strengthens the stem cells of the hair follicle and affects the function of the hair cycle.
People with vitamin A deficiency may have weaker hair that is more prone to breakage and shedding. Getting adequate amounts of vitamin A can help promote healthy hair growth and make hair stronger and thicker. Also, this vitamin helps to reduce frizz and prevent brittle hair from breaking.
6. Vitamin A To Strengthen Sperm And Egg
Vitamin A is essential for male and female reproduction because it plays a role in sperm and egg development. Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and therefore protects the gonads and reproductive tissues from oxidative stress. Retinoic acid may have an effect on male fertility by influencing sperm morphology and concentration.
7. Vitamin A And Strengthening The Immune System
Benefits Of Vitamin A, Vitamin A strengthens the immune system by stimulating the immune response against infections and diseases. This vitamin plays a role in creating special cells such as B and T lymphocytes. Deficiency of this nutrient leads to an increase in pro-inflammatory molecules that weaken the immune system’s response and function.
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