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Alcohol Consumption In Elderly: Alcohol Is Harmful To The Elderly, Even In Small Amounts

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly: Research Shows That Any Level of Regular Alcohol Consumption is Dangerous.

A recent survey by Gallup in the United States shows that alcohol consumption, especially among younger people, is losing its popularity. Nearly half of Americans now believe that drinking one or two alcoholic beverages daily is harmful to health. This is the highest percentage recorded in this survey, which has been conducted 10 times since 2001.

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly, According to CNN, another study also indicates that drinking alcohol, even in moderate amounts, does not appear to be beneficial for the health of older adults. This study joins a growing body of research that contradicts the previous belief that drinking one or two units of alcohol a day, especially wine, might be beneficial for health.

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly, Recent research shows that alcohol can be a potent carcinogen and contributes to many other health issues, including depression, liver, and kidney problems.

Dr. Timothy Naimi, Director of the Substance Use Research Institute at Victoria University, says, “Alcohol is carcinogenic and is involved in 50 different types of mortality.” He emphasizes that alcohol, in general, is a health risk factor, and the less you drink, the better.

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly: Alcohol Is Harmful To The Elderly

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly, A study published on Monday in the JAMA Network Open largely supports this conclusion. Researchers in this study examined the health status of over 135,000 adults aged 60 and older, registered in the UK Biobank database. In the initial phase of the study, conducted between 2006 and 2010, participants were asked detailed questions about their alcohol consumption. Based on their responses, the researchers categorized them into three groups: low-risk, moderate, and high-risk drinkers.

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly, However, this study had limitations; for instance, the reports were self-reported, and people do not always accurately remember how much or what type of alcohol they have consumed. Additionally, the study population lacked diversity, with over 94% of participants being white. Therefore, the findings may not reflect the experiences of individuals from other racial or ethnic groups.

In this study, low-risk drinkers were defined as women who consumed 10 grams of alcohol daily and men who consumed 20 grams of alcohol daily. Moderate-risk or moderate drinkers included men who drank 20 to 40 grams of alcohol daily and women who consumed 10 to 20 grams daily. In the high-risk group, men drank more than 40 grams of alcohol daily, and women drank more than 20 grams daily.

Alcohol Consumption In Elderly, According to the research findings, any level of regular alcohol consumption is dangerous. Those in the low-risk group were about 10% more likely to die from cancer compared to those who only drank alcohol occasionally (non-regular drinkers). Individuals in the moderate-risk group were about 10-15% more likely to face death from cancer compared to occasional drinkers. Those in the high-risk group were 33% more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, and other causes than those who only drank occasionally.

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