Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single: 10 Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single

Reasons why smart girls stay single: girls are dreamers, sentimental dreamers. Others will probably deny it but somehow they want to hear cheesy words and feel butterflies in their stomach. But I am not talking about how girls want to feel these things instead I want to tell you how girls live with it despite not having a so-called “other half” by their side.
And here goes the cliché question – “Then why are you still single?”
There are many reasons why a girl stays single. But let me tell you this, it’s not about the way she looks, talks or walks. It’s not because she hates rainbows and unicorns. And it’s not like guys would not be captivated with a beauty that could launch a thousand ships and would not be interested in date her. It’s simply because she’s a smart girl. And smart girls can be single yet still find happiness in their way.
1. First things first
Reasons why smart girls stay single, what do you expect? They’re smart! Knowing what they are and what can help set them in the right direction is what they need. They know their priorities and boys aren’t one of them.
2. Friendship over Relationship
There’s plenty of fish in the sea but you can’t easily find Nemo and Marlin who would take the risk to find Dory. They can find a man to date whenever they want but they can’t easily find true friends. And know, that friends are worth more than a thousand boyfriends.
3. Too busy to date
Reasons why smart girls stay single, they have a lot of things to do. They study or work too much and they have a lot of problems to think about, that sometimes, it confuses them and tell themselves “Wait! This is the part where I should be dating someone but no, dating would only make me busier”.
4. Settling is not in their dictionary
reasons why smart girls stay single, These girls want to live their life the way they want to and fill it with people that set their soul on fire. They don’t let society’s expectations rush them into relationships or things that don’t make their hearts sing. They don’t settle for anything less.
5. Not easy to impress
Give these girls chocolates, flowers, or any material things but they won’t easily fall for it. Again, they are smart! They know men and their dirty little tricks.
6. Men assume they’re taken
Reasons why smart girls stay single, too gorgeous to be single. The way you flip your hair and be confidently beautiful makes men think that you’re already taken so no matter how hot you look they will try to ignore you and just find another interesting girl.
7. Not the desperate type
Smart girls know that if you love yourself first then you will always be loved. There are too many men out there for them to settle on one that doesn’t make them happy. They want something meaningful. They need a keeper.
8. They have high standards
Reasons why smart girls stay single, so what if your standards are too high? Having high standards does not mean you are excessively proud of yourself. It means you are a strong woman. Every man should not meet your standards. You know what you want and it’s a part of finding the right man.
9. Men are intimidated
Reasons why smart girls stay single, Weak men are threatened by a woman’s intelligence. Just by looking at how smart and strong you are can crush a weak man’s ego. The smarter you are, the more undeserving men you keep out of your league.
10. They are contented with their life
They are single not because they can’t find a man, but because they don’t need a man. They have a great family and awesome friends. What else could they wish for?
“Be the woman you want to be, not the woman everyone else expects you to be.”
Always bear in your mind that you are beautiful and smart! You deserve to be happy. Be patient and the right man will find you. Show the world
that – “You’re not a one in a million kind of girl but once in a lifetime kind of woman”.