Health and beauty
Two Toxic Chemicals In Cosmetics And Beauty Products
Toxic Chemicals In Cosmetics: Waterproof mascara, long-lasting eyeshadow, makeup, and liquid lipstick may contain these ingredients.
Iron Deficiency: Does Consuming More Iron Eliminate Fatigue?
Iron Deficiency: Many of us take vitamins and nutritional supplements on a daily basis. But apart from iron, the lack…
Sunscreen For Children: What Sunscreen Is Suitable For Children?
Sunscreen For Children: Some estimates suggest that 25% of permanent sun damage occurs during childhood and adolescence.
Insomnia Can Turn You Into A Complete Idiot
Insomnia: New research results from Mexican researchers warn that sleeplessness at night increases the risk factor and may even make…
The Best Summer Comestible To Stay Cool On Hot Days
Summer Comestible: The first thing that comes to mind when hearing the name summer is hot and sometimes annoying days.
Sunscreen Expiration Date: Why Should You Not Use Sunscreen From The Previous Year?
Sunscreen Expiration Date: Protective filters degrade over time, and using expired sunscreen means a lack of adequate protection against the…
A New Research Confirms That Giving Birth In Water Is Safe
Giving Birth In Water: Water birth is safe for women with normal pregnancies. New research results show that water birth…
The 6 Best Properties Of Cherries For The Body And Health That Are Miraculous!
Best Properties Of Cherries: Cherry is a nutritious fruit with relatively low calories and a lot of fiber, polyphenols, carotenoids,…
Does Plucking White Hair Make Them Grow More? According To Dermatologist
Plucking White Hair: Graying of hair is due to a decrease in melanin, which can occur due to aging, genetics,…
The Dangers Of Sneezing And Holding Sneeze; From Tracheal Rupture To Stroke
Holding Sneeze: Despite the injuries that sneezing can cause, holding a sneeze causes the pressure caused by sneezing in the…