Boiled Egg: New Research Shows Egg Consumption Can Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Boiled Egg: Choline, a vital nutrient found in egg yolks, plays an important role in maintaining overall health, especially brain function
Researchers are constantly trying to investigate the effect of certain foods or diets on Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the report of Verywell Health, the latest research deals with the relationship between Alzheimer’s and eggs, and it can be said that its results, of course, if you also eat egg yolks, have been promising.
Boiled Egg, The researchers used data from the group participating in the “Rush Memory” and “Aging Project” studies to investigate the effect of eggs on Alzheimer’s. They analyzed data from 1,24 adults, relying on questionnaires that tracked participants’ egg consumption.
The researchers then zeroed in on choline, a nutrient found in egg yolks that has been linked to brain health.
During a follow-up between six and seven years, it was found that 280 participants, about 28%, were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia. The results of the analysis showed that consuming more than one egg per week reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 47%, and 39% of the total effect of eggs on Alzheimer’s cases was related to the nutrient “choline” in the diet.
Boiled Egg, This research is based on older research findings that showed that even limited consumption of eggs, that is, about one egg per week, slows down the process of memory loss.
According to Professor Gary Small, chair of the division of psychiatry at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, this research does not show the mechanism of this effect, “but we know that there are several elements in eggs that are good for the brain; Choline helps synthesize and release neurotransmitters important for storing memories. “Omega-3 fats reduce severe brain inflammation that leads to neurodegeneration, and lutein reduces age-related oxidative stress, which causes the wear and tear of brain cells.”
Boiled Egg
What Is Choline?
Boiled Egg, Choline is a vital nutrient that plays an important role in maintaining overall health, especially brain function. This nutrient is often placed in this group due to its properties and benefits similar to B vitamins. Egg yolk is one of the richest and easiest sources of choline. One large egg has 169 mg of choline.
According to the recommendation of the UK National Institute of Health, the adequate amount of choline for adult men is 550 mg per day and for non-pregnant and non-lactating women, 425 mg per day.
Boiled Egg, According to study researcher Dr. Taylor Wallace, consuming two eggs a day serves the purpose of providing access to choline and other key nutrients for brain health. This amount is safe even for people with diabetes and those who have or are at risk of developing cardiometabolic disease.
Eggs can be eaten in various ways, from boiled to omelet, during breakfast, as a snack or with various salads and benefit from its benefits.
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